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Answers to whooping cough on the rise across the U.S. – School of Medicine News

Answers to whooping cough on the rise across the U.S. – School of Medicine News


Cases of whooping cough, or whooping cough, are increasing across the United States.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported 17,579 cases of pertussis so far, more than five times the number of cases reported during the same period in 2023.

Teena Chopra, MD, MPH

To explain the disease, its symptoms, and why the number of infected people is on the rise, we spoke to Teena Chopra, MD, MPH, professor of internal medicine and infectious diseases at Wayne State University School of Medicine. Ta. Dr. Chopra is the Corporate Medical Director for Hospital Epidemiology, Infection Prevention, and Antibiotic Stewardship at Wayne State University Detroit Medical Center. One of the founding leaders of the WSU Emerging Infectious Diseases Center, she championed the enormous task of leading Wayne State University and DMC's efforts to address the COVID-19 pandemic.

What is whooping cough? What are the symptoms?
Pertussis is a respiratory disease caused by the Bordetella pertussis bacteria, which exists only in humans. Bacteria attach to cilia (tiny hair-like structures) in the upper respiratory tract. They produce toxins that damage cilia and cause swelling of the airways.
Symptoms usually appear 5 to 10 days after exposure, but can take up to 3 weeks. At first it resembles the common cold, but early symptoms last 1 to 2 weeks and may include:
• Runny or stuffy nose
• Low-grade fever (less than 100.4°F)
• Occasional mild cough
Babies may have difficulty breathing, and some babies may develop apnea without coughing at all, and develop a bluish cyanosis of the skin, lips, and nails due to lack of oxygen. Coughing attacks (attacks) occur 1 to 2 weeks after the first symptoms and last 1 to 6 weeks, and sometimes up to 10 weeks. During such attacks, the following symptoms may appear:
• A high-pitched “whispering” sound when inhaling.
• Vomiting
• Extreme fatigue after attack.
• Sleep disorders
• Difficulty breathing
• Rib fractures
Notably, whooping cough symptoms are less severe in vaccinated people.

How serious is the disease? How harmful is that?
Whooping cough can cause serious and potentially fatal complications in infants and young children. People who have not received all recommended vaccinations are at higher risk for serious problems. Complications include:
• Apnea
• Pneumonia
• Convulsions
• Encephalopathy
• 1 in 100 people (1%) will die from these complications.
In teens and adults, complications such as pneumonia can occur. However, these complications are generally less severe in this age group, especially in people who have been vaccinated.

Who is most susceptible?
Prevention is essential for infants under 1 year of age and those with underlying medical conditions, such as immunocompromised conditions or moderate to severe asthma, as they are at increased risk of severe pertussis.

Is it contagious?
Yes, people can spread germs for at least two weeks after they start showing symptoms and coughing. Early antibiotic treatment may reduce infectivity. Because the symptoms are so mild, some people do not realize they have whooping cough and can unknowingly infect others. Many infants catch the disease from older siblings or caregivers who are unaware that they are infected.

Isn't whooping cough a childhood disease?
Yes, whooping cough, or whooping cough, is considered a childhood disease because it primarily affects infants and young children. However, it is a misconception that only young children are infected. It can also affect adolescents and adults. Childhood vaccinations can help prevent severe disease, but booster shots are recommended for older children, teens, and adults because immunity can weaken over time.

Will I have immunity once I have been infected? Is there an effective vaccine against whooping cough?
Yes, the only effective way to prevent whooping cough is a vaccine. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that everyone receive the whooping cough (whooping cough) vaccine. These vaccines are the most effective way to prevent whooping cough. Although they are effective, they can weaken your immune system over time. If you have questions about pertussis vaccination, please contact your vaccine provider.

Can pregnant women also be vaccinated and will it affect the baby?
Yes, the CDC recommends that pregnant people receive the Tdap vaccine between 27 and 36 weeks of pregnancy, preferably early in this period. This timing allows protective antibodies to peak approximately two weeks after vaccination and be effectively transferred to the baby. Antibody levels decrease over time, so vaccination early in the third trimester provides each baby's best protection against whooping cough, even if the pregnancies are close.

Why are cases increasing in the United States?
The increase in pertussis cases indicates that the number of pertussis cases is returning to pre-pandemic levels. There are several theories to explain this increase. For one, safety measures such as masks and social distancing implemented during the pandemic have not only reduced the spread of COVID-19, but also suppressed transmission of other respiratory viruses, including whooping cough. It's a thing. Additionally, low vaccination rates, decline in vaccine immunity over time, advances in whooping cough testing, and increased awareness of community outbreaks may also be contributing to the increase.

Is there a test to distinguish between whooping cough and other seasonal infections?
Pertussis can be difficult to diagnose because its symptoms are similar to other respiratory illnesses. It is helpful to know if you have been in contact with someone who has pertussis.
Diagnosis usually includes:
• Check for symptoms
• Physical examination
• Mucus sample testing
• Blood test

How do doctors treat it?
It is important to treat whooping cough promptly, preferably before the coughing attack begins. Medical professionals usually use antibiotics to manage the condition. If your symptoms are severe, you may need additional treatment at a hospital.




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