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What is the risk of stroke? | Fortune Well

What is the risk of stroke? | Fortune Well


The incidence of stroke is rising, with more than 500,000 Americans having a first stroke each year. However, up to 80% stroke It may be preventable, so understanding and mitigating risk factors is critical.

According to it, American Stroke Associationthe first release was released this week new clinical guidelines About stroke 10 years later.

“Guidelines for primary prevention of stroke 2024” was published in a magazine stroke It replaces the 2014 edition and focuses specifically on identifying and managing risk factors for women and highlighting healthy lifestyle behaviors that can lower risk. stroke risk.

“The most effective way to reduce the incidence of stroke and stroke-related death is to prevent a stroke in the first place, known as primary prevention,” Sheryl D. Bushnell, M.D., chair of the guideline development group, said in the paper. . news release. “Some people are at increased risk of stroke, regardless of the cause. geneticslifestyle, biological factors and/or social determinants of health, and in some cases, people do not receive adequate screening to identify their risk. ”

What is a stroke?

A stroke occurs when a blood vessel ruptures or becomes blocked by a blood clot, cutting off blood flow to the brain. The brain does not receive enough oxygen to function properly, resulting in brain damage that, depending on the severity, may cause problems with thinking, speaking, walking, etc. hindrance.

Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in the United States, killing nearly 160,000 people each year.

Risk factors for stroke in women

For the first time, stroke guidelines include specific recommendations for women and an overview of risk factors that are largely uncontrollable but useful to know for prevention and monitoring purposes. They include:

Risk factors for stroke for everyone

The most common and most controllable lifestyle behavior – called necessities of life 8 Cardiovascular health indicators from the Stroke Association are known risk factors for stroke if left unchecked. They include:

To combat these risks, the new guidelines recommend:

  • eat mediterranean diet— Consists primarily of fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, whole grains, and olive oil, with minimal amounts of dairy, eggs, fish, and poultry — Even in the absence of other risk factors
  • Do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise per week, or a combination of both throughout the week.
  • Obtain enough sleep
  • no smoking
  • Monitor cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels and keep them within healthy ranges

What else can you do to prevent stroke?

Regarding stroke prevention, guidelines emphasize the need for risk assessment. risk assessment calculator Estimates the risk of stroke and heart disease over 10 and 30 years starting at age 30. Knowing the results may help determine preventive treatment.

Being aware of new treatment options can help with: Ozempic Other GLP-1 drugs that reduce stroke risk in people with diabetes or high risk for heart disease, and ask your doctor what's right for you.

Additionally, it's important to know the warning signs of a stroke. The American Stroke Association uses the acronym “FAST” for facial droop, arm weakness, speech impediments, and time to call 911 “fast.”
“Implementing the recommendations in this guideline could significantly reduce people's risk of having their first stroke,” Bushnell said. Plus, there's a bonus. “Most strategies recommended to prevent stroke also help reduce the risk of stroke.” dementiaThis is also a serious health condition related to blood vessel problems in the brain. ”

Learn more about cardiovascular health:

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