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ACIP supports booster COVID-19 vaccination for seniors and pneumococcal vaccination for adults 50 and older

ACIP supports booster COVID-19 vaccination for seniors and pneumococcal vaccination for adults 50 and older


The CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) on Wednesday endorsed additional doses of coronavirus vaccines for high-risk groups and recommended lowering the age limit for adult pneumococcal vaccination from 65 to 50. did.

with an update to Recommendations from JuneIn three unanimous votes, ACIP recommended that adults 65 and older and people 6 months to 64 years old who are moderately or severely immunocompromised receive the 2024-2025 coronavirus vaccine. A second vaccination and booster (three or more) vaccinations were recommended. Under shared clinical decision-making, it is open to people aged 6 months and older who are moderately or severely immunocompromised.

Advisers also voted 14-1 to recommend pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) for all PCV-uninfected adults aged 50 and older.

Shortly after the ACIP meeting, CDC Director Mandy Cohen, MD, MPH, endorsed the new policy. covid vaccine and pneumococcal vaccine Recommendations.

In June, CDC advisors recommended that moderately or severely immunocompromised people receive a booster dose of the 2024-2025 coronavirus vaccine, but at the time they did not recommend booster shots for older adults. Ta.

Ahead of Wednesday's vote, Dr. Jamie Lauer of Cayuga Family Medicine in Ithaca, New York, said that between October 1, 2023 and October 1, 2023, older adults, especially those 75 and older, will be affected by the new coronavirus. Highlighted the incidence of hospitalization due to September 28, 2024.

“When you look at 1,410 people hospitalized, you might think that's a big number, but when you translate that, that's 1 in 70 adults,” Lauer said. “And it's amazing that so many people over 75 are going to be hospitalized with coronavirus. You don't have that with diabetes. You probably don't have that with heart disease, but this… It's just a story.'' It's an amazing number and I think it should be promoted more. ”

Data released by the COVID-19 Vaccine Working Group shows that the effectiveness of vaccines against hospitalization in immunocompromised patients during the 2023-2024 season wears off by approximately four to six months after vaccination. Ta. The vaccine's effectiveness against emergency department and urgent care visits and hospitalizations for adults 65 and older also disappeared within the same time period. However, the vaccine's effectiveness against serious illness in older people was still over 40% at five months.

Regarding the latest recommendations for pneumococcal vaccines, the working group has previously recommended either maintaining the status quo (age-based recommendations for people over 65 and risk-based recommendations for younger people) or lowering age-based recommendations to age 50. was considering other options. Only the new 21-valent PCV (Capvaxive) is eligible.

This vaccine recently FDA approved For the prevention of invasive pneumococcal disease and pneumococcal pneumonia in adults. According to CDC data, the serotypes included in the vaccine cause approximately 84% of cases of invasive pneumococcal disease in adults age 50 and older. 20-valent PCV, on the other hand, covers the serotypes responsible for 52% of cases in this age group.

Lohr, who chaired the pneumococcal vaccine working group, was the only “no” vote of the day, citing a preference for 21-valent PCV. He said it was a “better vaccine” because it “covers more serotypes for adults.”

Ahead of Wednesday's vote, a majority of the Pneumococcal Vaccine Working Group said it would be easier to implement uniform recommendations across all pneumococcal conjugate vaccines and that Black people have higher rates of pneumococcal disease, among other issues. After considering these factors, we supported the voted recommendation. Notably, 33% to 54% of early-peak African American adults and adults ages 50 to 64 already have risk-based indications for pneumococcal vaccination.

Future considerations include indirect effects of new pediatric pneumococcal vaccines (vaccination is also recommended for children under 5 years of age), duration of protection from adult vaccination, and new high-dose vaccines for adults. The working group noted that the effects of

ACIP also offers high-dose It was unanimously resolved to include adjuvanted and inactivated influenza vaccines.

As always, all ACIP recommendations are Weekly report on morbidity and mortality.

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    jennifer henderson I joined MedPage Today in January 2021 as a corporate and research writer. She has covered the healthcare industry, life sciences, and legal business, among others, in New York City.




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