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Novo Nordisk's Ozempic may reduce risk of Alzheimer's disease: study

Novo Nordisk's Ozempic may reduce risk of Alzheimer's disease: study



Steve Crist – Corbis | Corbis News | Getty Images

novo nordiskblockbuster diabetes drug Ozempic May reduce the risk of developing the disease alzheimer's diseaseThe results of the study, published Thursday, suggest it may help slow or prevent memory loss.

SemaglutideOzempic's active ingredient, compared to seven other diabetes medications, was associated with a 40% to 70% lower risk of being diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease for the first time in people with type 2 diabetes. . This includes insulin and older so-called GLP-1 drugs similar to Ozempic, the study said.

Alzheimer's disease is often diagnosed with symptoms such as: mild dementia stageif a person has serious problems with memory and thinking skills. largely 7 million Americans are in that condition. 5th cause of death Adults 65 and older are eligible, according to the Alzheimer's Association. However, the number of Alzheimer's patients in the United States is predicted to increase to approximately 13 million by 2050.

There is no cure for Alzheimer's disease, but medicines to treat symptoms It can slow the progression of the disease or slow the progression of the disease in people who are in the early stages of the disease. But potential preventive treatments such as semaglutide could prove even more useful, said lead study co-author Ron Hsu, Ph.D., a professor of biomedical informatics at Case Western Reserve University. .

That's because by the time many patients are diagnosed with the disease, “it's often too late to treat,” Xu told CNBC. He added that many of the risk factors for Alzheimer's disease, such as obesity, diabetes and smoking, are preventable and “modifiable.”

The results add to the evidence that GLP-1, a popular obesity and diabetes treatment, may offer health benefits beyond promoting weight loss and regulating blood sugar levels. These include Ozempic, Novo Nordisk's weight loss injection Wegoby, and Eli Lilly It works a little differently.

Novo Nordisk and rival Eli Lilly are investigating their drugs as potential treatments for chronic conditions such as sleep apnea and fatty liver disease. Novo Nordisk did not fund the new Case Western study, but it is also looking at semaglutide in late-stage studies in Alzheimer's patients.

A new Case Western study released Thursday is based on: Other research results published in July The once-daily drug for diabetes and obesity, called liraglutide, is sold by Novo Nordisk under the Saxenda and Victoza brand names. In a study of liraglutide, data from a mid-stage trial found that the drug may protect patients' brains and slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease.

In a study published Thursday, Case Western researchers analyzed three years of electronic records of about 1 million U.S. diabetics who had never been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. This research was funded in part by the National Institutes of Health.

The study compared semaglutide to seven diabetes drugs, including insulin and a drug called metformin. This also includes other GLP-1s, such as Eli Lilly's drugs called liraglutide and dulaglutide.

According to the same study, semaglutide was associated with an approximately 70% lower risk of a first diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease compared to insulin, almost 60% lower risk compared to metformin, and 40% lower risk compared to other GLP-1s. I was doing it. Semaglutide was also associated with significant reductions in prescriptions for Alzheimer's disease-related drugs, the study said.

Similar risk reductions were seen across patients in the trial, regardless of gender, age group, or obesity status.

However, this study is limited by its reliance on electronic medical record data. Xu called for more research, especially clinical trials that randomly assign patients to receive semaglutide or other treatments, to see how well Ozempic and other GLP-1s can help prevent or delay Alzheimer's disease. Ta.

Xu and his research team also plan to study whether GLP-1 can prevent Alzheimer's disease in obese patients, but as more patients have GLP-1 approved for weight loss, it is unlikely that GLP-1 will come to market. is thinking of waiting 1 to 2 years. data for them to analyze. Wegovy won U.S. approval in 2021, while Eli Lilly's weight loss injection Zepbound only hit the market last fall.




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