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Scientists may have discovered a key step in the fight against antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Scientists may have discovered a key step in the fight against antibiotic-resistant bacteria


Imagine becoming seriously ill from an infection. Usually we see a doctor, are prescribed antibiotics, and after 7-10 days we are back to normal. But today, there is no longer any guarantee that the treatment will be effective. Infectious diseases such as pneumonia, tuberculosis and sepsis are becoming increasingly difficult to treat, and millions of lives could be lost unless solutions are found against the so-called MRSA bacteria, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). It is said that there is a sex. It cannot be treated with antibiotics.

Bacteria often manage to resist antibiotic treatment because they form biofilms of proteins and sugars that act as a shield against antibiotics. And this is part of the biofilm defense structure that researchers have deciphered in a new study, says Associate Professor Maria Andreasen from Aarhus University's Department of Biomedical Sciences, one of the researchers behind the study. explain.

“We have deciphered the molecular structure of a key part of a bacterium called Staphylococcus aureus. This is the first detailed insight into how these specific molecules form macrostructures. By understanding the structure and how biofilms form, we can develop new strategies, improve treatments, and perhaps even stop bacteria from forming biofilms altogether.”

the question of life or death

Although the focus is on the structure of molecules and cells, researchers are tackling larger, far-reaching questions. According to a 2022 study, 1.27 million people worldwide died in 2019 as a direct result of infections caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

This is why the results of the Aarhus University and Pittsburgh University studies are important, says Maria Andreasen.

“For the first time, we have identified the entire protein structure of a MRSA biofilm. Now we can focus our research on how we can use this knowledge to discover or develop molecules that prevent biofilm formation. “This could make it easier to treat infections and combat growing antibiotic resistance,” she says.

If the research team, which includes researchers at the University of Pittsburgh in the US, can disrupt or prevent the formation of protective biofilms, it would be an important step toward treating resistant MRSA infections.

Facts What is the MRSA bacterium?

MRSA stands for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. This is a type of bacteria that has developed resistance to many common antibiotics, including methicillin, penicillin, and similar drugs. Here are some important points about MRSA:

  • Staphylococcus aureus: It is a common bacteria that many people live on their skin and nose without getting sick. However, if it enters the body through a wound, it can cause infections such as boils and wound infections, and in severe cases, it can cause pneumonia and sepsis.
  • resistance: MRSA is dangerous because it is resistant to most common antibiotics. This means that infections caused by MRSA are difficult to treat and require stronger or more specialized antibiotics.
  • Hospitals and medical care: MRSA is especially a problem in hospitals and nursing homes, where people with weakened immune systems, open wounds, or invasive devices (such as catheters) are more susceptible to infection. It can spread rapidly in environments where people are in close contact.
  • Health effects: MRSA infections can be very serious and sometimes life-threatening, especially if the infection is not treated early or if it spreads to the bloodstream or vital organs.

What did the researchers decipher?

Researchers from Aarhus University's Department of Biomedical Sciences, in collaboration with researchers from the University of Pittsburgh, deciphered the molecular composition of its key parts. Staphylococcus aureus Biofilms, especially aggregates of the functional amyloid PSMα1. This contributes to the formation of a protective biofilm that makes bacteria resistant to antibiotic treatment.




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