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The health effects of gambling around the world are far worse than previously known, says international study

The health effects of gambling around the world are far worse than previously known, says international study


The global health impact of gambling is far worse than previously thought, according to an international medical journal.

The new report is Lancet Public Health CommitteeExperts from gambling research, public health, global health policy, risk management and regulatory policy took part, calling for stronger regulation.

“Our conclusion is clear: Gambling is a threat to public health, and controlling it requires significantly expanded and strengthened regulation of the gambling industry,” the report said.

“A timely response to this growing global threat requires coordinated action at intergovernmental, national, and local government levels.”

Gambling needs international regulation, experts say

According to the study, net consumer losses from commercial gambling are projected to exceed $1 trillion annually worldwide by 2028.

It is also estimated that approximately 80 million adults experience gambling disorder or problem gambling.

“Certain groups face an increased risk of harm from gambling, some of whom are now routinely exposed to gambling product advertising, industry messages and sponsorships in ways unprecedented before the digital revolution. “This includes children and young people who have been exposed to sexual harassment,” the report said.

Monash University's Charles Livingstone, one of the report's authors, said governments needed to find ways to regulate gambling through international agreements.

“This is to avoid any threat to governments or countries that wish to prohibit or restrict gambling by illegal overseas operators,” Professor Livingstone said.

“There are international agreements regarding doping in sports, and I believe it is extremely important to conclude international agreements to protect the integrity of sports.

“And to ensure adequate regulation of online gambling that meets at least minimum international standards.”

Australians spend the most per capita on gambling

Professor Livingstone said gambling and the use of electronic gaming machines continued to increase in Australia.

Australians have lost more than $25 billion a year in gamblingwhich represents the largest per capita loss in the world.

“In Australia, given the scope and nature of the harm, there is an appetite to properly treat gambling as a serious public health issue and for change,” he said.

Graph showing Australians lose more money to gambling than any other country.

Research shows that around two in three Australians think gambling advertising is too common. (Provided by: Grattan Institute)

The study criticizes the federal government for delaying decisions on 31 federal recommendations. Congressional Committee Inquiry into Online Gambling.

Some of these recommendations include banning all advertising related to online gambling and establishing a national regulatory authority for online gambling.

Professor Livingstone said: “The only reason for the delay appears to be that the government is concerned about TV broadcaster and sport revenues.”

“That's not the problem. The problem is that gambling advertising causes real harm. People get hooked on it.”

Professor Livingstone said the inquiry, which submitted its report two years ago, carried out comprehensive research and heard from a wide range of parties, including sporting bodies and betting companies.

“And we decided that the best thing for Australia was to ban gambling advertising. We now don't allow any other form of gambling advertising, other than lottery tickets,” he said.

The federal government has been contacted for comment.

Responsible Gambling Australia chief executive Kai Cantwell said last month that a blanket ban on advertising would be ineffective.

He said: “A ban on online advertising will not stop Australians from gambling, it will only push Australians towards illegal offshore providers, who lure customers with large bonuses and then pay out winnings or offer more secure options. “We will not provide our customers with fraudulent gambling tools.”

Responsible Wagering Australia represents licensed wagering service providers in Australia, including online gambling companies.

“Governments are missing an opportunity if they fail to take advantage of advanced online platform technology that ensures gambling ads are only shown to users who are logged in, confirm they are over 18, and have the option to opt out. “You're going to get that kind of advertising,'' Cantwell said.

Sally Gainsbury, director of the Gambling Treatment and Research Clinic at the University of Sydney, said the government's delay was perplexing.

She highlighted the following research: Shown to almost 70 per cent of Australians We believe that gambling advertising is too common.

Professor Gainsbury said: “It is understandable that there are many stakeholders pushing their own policies.”

“But it's clear from the Australian community that change is needed and that people want less advertising.

“It is critical that the federal government and all state governments recognize the importance of serving the interests of local communities and protecting residents, and that they prioritize this above any revenue.”

Are anti-gambling laws effective overseas?

Some countries, such as Belgium, have introduced advertising bans, but Professor Livingstone described this as a “partial ban”.

Sports sponsorships, advertising for gambling companies on their own channels online, and business-to-business advertising were still available.

“What they're doing now is going back to the drawing board and reconsidering the partial ban, because even though the advertising ban was effective, companies were quick to try to get around it. ” he said.

“The solution to these problems is a comprehensive ban on advertising, advertising and gambling, and preventing gambling operators from finding workarounds.”

There are other international examples of stricter laws regarding gambling advertising.

for example, Bans have been imposed in Spain and Italy. It's in place.

“They're all trying to change the way gambling is advertised,” Professor Gainsbury said.

“It is important that Australia looks in a different direction than jurisdictions that do not have advertising regulations, such as the US and Canada, which currently have legalized sports betting.

“Gambling has exploded and the population seems to be inundated.”

But Professor Gainsbury said that beyond gambling advertising, we needed to change the accessibility of gambling, particularly electronic gaming machines.

“This makes gambling very normal and the machines allow you to spend very large sums of money per session,” she says.

“There are no natural breaks in play, so the environment is set up to make it easy for people to gamble very high amounts without any natural breaks or barriers.”

To combat this, Professor Livingstone believes more jurisdictions in Australia should adopt pre-commitment regimes. victoria and Tasmania.

“This means you have to set a limit, and you have to stick to that limit, because it is technically impossible to continue after you reach that limit,” he said. .

“Unfortunately, it doesn't just give people the ability to carry out their best intentions, because gambling takes away that ability for many people.

“They say get lost in the zone, and not only do they do it, they allow it.”




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