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County reports second locally transmitted dengue case | News

County reports second locally transmitted dengue case | News


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The county is investigating a second locally transmitted case of dengue fever. This second case is not related to the first case of locally transmitted dengue fever in Escondido earlier this month.

The Vista resident who was hospitalized with dengue fever had not recently traveled to areas where the mosquito-borne disease is endemic.

“As always, the county is closely monitoring recent locally transmitted dengue cases and is responding quickly to prevent the spread of the disease,” said County Interim Public Health Deputy Dr. Seema Shah. “While the risk of contracting dengue fever remains low, we are keeping an eye on the increase in dengue cases in California and across the United States.”

From today until October 29, County Vector Control is treating areas around approximately 60 residences in Vista to prevent the spread of dengue virus by mosquitoes and protect public health.

Dengue fever is a tropical viral disease not commonly seen in the United States. Since the invasive Aedes aegypti mosquito was first detected in San Diego County in 2014; Another case of locally transmitted dengue fever Located in San Diego County.

People who travel to countries where dengue fever is endemic can become infected with dengue fever through mosquito bites.So far this year, San Diego County has had 53 travel-related dengue cases.

Information about dengue fever

Dengue fever is transmitted by mosquitoeswhen a mosquito bites an infected person and then sucks blood from another person.

It can take four to seven days for someone bitten by a dengue-infected mosquito to start feeling symptoms. Dengue fever can be determined by a blood test. Ask your health care provider about blood tests.

The most common symptoms are fever, chills, and one of the following: aches and pains (eye pain, muscle, joint, or bone pain), nausea, vomiting, and rash.

Symptoms are moderate and may last 2 to 7 days. Most people recover in about a week. However, symptoms such as shock and difficulty breathing can be severe. In some cases, hospitalization may be required and, less commonly, death can occur. There is no specific drug to treat dengue fever.

“Prevent mosquito bites” – How to protect yourself from mosquitoes

  • The daybiting Aedes aegypti mosquito, also known as the “ankle-biting mosquito,” is the main vector of dengue fever. These mosquitoes prefer to live and breed around people, often in gardens and small bodies of water.
  • Throw out, drain, or remove anything inside or outside your home that could collect water, such as plant trays, rain barrels, buckets, trash cans, toys, old tires, wheelbarrows, and more. Mosquito Fish, available for free atlocated throughout the countycan be used to control mosquito breeding in permanent backyard water sources such as uncontrolled pools, ponds, fountains, and horse troughs.
  • Protect yourself from mosquito-borne diseases by wearing long sleeves and long pants when outdoors or using insect repellent.
  • Use insect repellents that contain EPA-approved ingredients such as DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, and IR3535.
  • Make sure window and door screens are in good condition and securely secured to keep insects out.

these While these methods are effective in reducing mosquito bites at home, they are even more important to prevent dengue infection when residents travel abroad.

County mosquito control efforts underway

County-trained technicians used an ultra-low volume backpack sprayer to apply Aqua Duet, an insecticide approved for use by the Environmental Protection Agency, to eliminate adult insects that can spread dengue fever. We are working to reduce the number of Apply the product to a wide area using a truck in a concentrated area.

The county began notifying neighbors and leaving door hangers on homes within the treatment area on Wednesday, Oct. 23. Treatment boundaries and additional information can be found on the Vector Control site. Mosquito repellent webpage for adults. This treatment product has a low risk to people and pets and disappears in about 20 to 30 minutes. Local people can avoid or minimize exposure to pesticides by taking simple steps such as:

  • Stay indoors if possible and bring your pets inside
  • Close doors and windows and turn off fans that bring outdoor air into your home.
  • Wash any pet food or water bowls left outside during treatment.
  • Cover the fishpond to avoid direct exposure
  • Rinse fruits and vegetables from your garden with water as usual before cooking or eating them.
  • Wipe down or cover outdoor items such as toys and barbecue grills.
  • Beekeepers and people who keep insects outdoors are encouraged to evacuate their hives and habitats during treatment. Beekeepers who are registered with their county's Department of Agriculture and Measures can request to receive advance notice when pesticides that may affect honeybees are sprayed on flowering plants in their area.
  • You can return to normal activities 30 minutes after treatment

For more information about mosquitoes, visit the San Diego County website.“Battle with part-time job” Website.

For those in affected areas, county public health staff will be on-site in Vista on Oct. 26 and Oct. 28 to answer questions and provide information about dengue fever.




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