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Study shows long-lasting coronavirus symptoms distinct from other respiratory infections common in Marines

Study shows long-lasting coronavirus symptoms distinct from other respiratory infections common in Marines


Two new studies offer new insights into the long-lasting coronavirus. The first points out that the neurological, cognitive, and fatigue effects are greater compared to long-term symptoms after similar respiratory illnesses, and the second points out that patients infected with COVID-19 It shows that one in four young Marines died. Towards the long-term development of the new coronavirus infection.

7 more common symptoms of long-term coronavirus infection

In the first studypublished today JAMA network openResearchers used data from UK Biobank to compare post-acute infection syndrome (PAIS) in patients with COVID-19 to other lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI). They showed that patients with coronavirus infection for a longer period of time were at higher risk for seven specific symptoms.

A total of 191,710 eligible participants identified after March 1, 2020 were included in the study. Of these, 1,153 were hospitalized for COVID-19, 1,304 were hospitalized for other LRTIs, and 189,253 non-infected patients were used as the reference group.

Patients hospitalized with COVID-19 were much more likely to report PAIS symptoms such as taste disturbance (odds ratio) [OR]2.27; 95% confidence interval [CI]1.87 to 2.75) and severe fatigue (OR, 2.18; 95% CI, 1.70 to 2.81) compared with the reference group. Overall, compared to the control group, coronavirus patents were more likely to report 23 out of 45 symptoms.

Compared to patients hospitalized with other LRTIs, COVID-19 patients had seven symptoms including loss of smell (OR, 1.80; 95% CI, 1.34-2.42) and loss of taste (OR, 1.52; 95% CI, 1.13). They were at higher risk for certain symptoms. Increased heart rate while standing (OR, 1.60; 95% CI, 1.12 to 2.29), thinking problems (OR, 1.36; 95% CI, 1.14 to 1.62), bone pain (OR, 1.33; 95% CI ), 1.06 to 1.67), mild fatigue (OR, 1.19; 95% CI, 1.01 to 1.40), and severe fatigue (OR, 1.49; 95% CI, 1.02 to 2.17).

LRTI patients were more likely to report a persistent cough than COVID patients.

“Compared to other LRTIs, COVID-19 appears to impose an extra burden of neurological, cognitive, and fatigue symptoms.”, The authors concluded.

25% of Marines develop long-term coronavirus infection

The second study Lancet Regional Health Americasdescribes how 25% of previously healthy U.S. Marines showed signs of long-term COVID-19 even after mild or asymptomatic illness. .

in the studyResearchers followed 899 Marines (91.7% male) with positive polymerase chain reaction tests for nearly a year to identify risk factors for developing long-term COVID-19 infection. . The authors defined this as persistent symptoms for at least 4 weeks after onset. or diagnosis. The authors found the prevalence of long-term COVID-19 infection to be 24.7%.

The Marines were young (median age 18 years), healthy, and had passed numerous Marine fitness tests prior to study enrollment. Participants were asked to complete a questionnaire regarding COVID-19 infection and symptoms. Overall, 197 Marines (24.7%) developed persistent symptoms after contracting the coronavirus.

The most common symptoms reported by Marines were loss of taste and/or smell (41.6%), shortness of breath (37.6%), and cough (22.8%). The authors found that Marines reporting persistent coronavirus symptoms performed slower physical fitness tests when compared to pre-COVID-19 Marines.

The authors said the findings are important for considering the impact of long-term COVID-19 infections on a young and previously healthy workforce. Prolonged exposure to the coronavirus could “reduce work productivity and increase health care costs,” the researchers wrote.

A total of 307 participants (34.1%) had asymptomatic infections. Of the 195 people who described the severity of their infection, 77.4% reported mainly mild symptoms, 20.0% moderate, and 2.6% severe symptoms.

Even among healthy young people with very mild acute illness, some infected people develop long-term symptoms.

“The risk of long-term sequelae secondary to acute SARS-CoV-2 infection varies across studies, but even among healthy young people with very mild acute illness, some infected individuals develop long-term symptoms. ,” the authors write.




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