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Focusing on human enzymes, rather than SARS-CoV-2, may help treat COVID-19


The discovery of viral diseases remains a daunting task for scientists, despite significant technological advances. Today, the powerful Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) spreads worldwide, affecting more than 20 million people. Vaccines and cures have not been discovered yet, but scientists are looking for drugs to be used for other diseases in the hope of helping treat SARS-CoV-2 infected patients.

Now, groundbreaking studies on malaria suggest that it targets enzymes from the human host, not from the pathogen itself. New research may pave the way for effective treatments for a wide range of infectious diseases, including coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

Antibody sequence data showing activation of kinases in human erythrocytes infected with malaria parasite.  Credit RMIT University

Antibody sequence data showing activation of kinases in human erythrocytes infected with malaria parasite. Credit RMIT University

the study

The team, headed by Professor Christian Doerig of RMIT University, highlights new technologies that can save years of drug discovery research and the huge amount of money spent on drug discovery. This approach aims to reuse existing therapies designed for other conditions, including cancer.

Research published in journal Natural communication, The team has a parasite that causes malaria Plasmodium falciparum, Parasites are very dependent on red blood cell enzymes that evade the immune system and grow.

“There is emerging evidence that signaling elements are activated in nucleated red blood cells in response to infection with malaria parasites, but the extent of this phenomenon remains unclear. Plasmodium falciparumThe researchers explained.

Target pathogen

They may kill parasites efficiently because there are drugs developed for cancer that inactivate these human enzymes called protein kinases. This approach could be an alternative to therapeutics that target the parasite itself rather than focusing on the enzyme.

Researchers have revealed a new point that parasites depend on the human host, revealing host cell enzymes that were activated at the onset of infection. This method may open the way for reducing costs and promoting the development and distribution of new antimalarial drugs.

Today, some patients infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus that causes COVID-19 disease, help these drugs prevent the progression of serious disease Hope that you are taking antimalarial drugs.

“These host enzymes are often the same ones that are activated in cancer cells, so they skip the discovery of existing cancer therapies and are already available or in the drug development process. You can consider diverting the drug close to completion.” Dr. Jack Adderley explained.

Drug diversion

The new approach may reduce drug resistance because it allows for drug diversion, which can reduce the time it takes for a drug to be approved, and because pathogens cannot be avoided by mutating the drug’s target Will be higher. Other antimalarial drugs.

One of the lead authors, Professor Doerig, suggests that the discovery offers teams the hope that new methods will reduce drug resistance, which is one of the biggest challenges in the world of healthcare. .. This applies to all diseases caused by infectious agents, not just malaria.

“If we do not solve this resistance problem, we risk returning to the pre-antibiotic era, which constitutes a clear and present danger to global public health. We need innovative ways to address this problem.” “Doriegu said.

“By targeting the host, not the pathogen itself, the target is made by the human host, not the pathogen, so mutating the drug’s target eliminates the possibility of the pathogen becoming rapidly resistant,” he added. It was

The team is currently planning to work with the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity to study potential COVID-19 treatments using this approach. This research offers hope that we can develop drugs to combat diseases previously classified as intractable.

See journal:

  • Adderley, J. , Von Frenn End, S., Jackson, S., Bird, M., Doerig, C. Other (2020). Analysis of erythrocyte signaling pathways during Plasmodium falciparum infection identifies targets for host-directed antimalarial intervention. Natural communication.


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