Hundreds of people may have been infected after tuberculosis incident at Georgia school
Amid concerns about the global spread of tuberculosis, a student at a Georgia high school may have infected hundreds of others.
The Cobb County School District told USA TODAY in an email that local public health officials have identified the infected student at Walton High School in Marietta.
Public health officials in Cobb and Douglas counties conducted tuberculin skin tests on Tuesday after the student infected with the bacterial illness came into contact with about 200 other students, faculty and staff, said Valerie Crowe, a spokeswoman for the local public health department. He was encouraged to do so.
Crowe declined to provide details about when or how the student contracted tuberculosis, citing patient confidentiality laws.
On Thursday, public health officials returned to Walton High School and determined that no one had tested positive. Still, everyone who tests negative will need to take another test to confirm it within eight to 10 weeks, Crowe said.
One school is Approximately 2,700 studentsplans to notify the public of the date and time for re-examination. Crowe said students who are unable to get tested on Tuesday must be tested by a private doctor and provide written confirmation to the school.
What is tuberculosis?
According to , tuberculosis is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and spread through bacteria from an infected person. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. When they cough, sneeze, or speak, those germs become airborne and others can breathe it in. Exposure usually requires staying in a small, confined space for an extended period of time.
The disease usually targets the lungs, but can also affect the brain, spine, and kidneys. It can affect different parts of the body at the same time. Not all people with tuberculosis become ill, and signs of the disease may appear gradually over several months.
Tuberculosis was once a common respiratory disease in the United States, causing many deaths each year. Over the past 100 years, concerted public health efforts focused on detection and early treatment have dramatically reduced infections and deaths.
Increased in the US and globally
the usa saw increase in tuberculosis This is the first case since the coronavirus pandemic.
According to one study, more than 9,600 interim lawsuits were filed in 2023, compared to less than 8,900 in 2019. March CDC Report. Johns Hopkins University Director Dr. Richard Chaisson said the collapse of health care during the pandemic and the resumption of travel and immigration after the pandemic likely contributed to these increases. Tuberculosis Research Center.
Tuberculosis is also increasing worldwide.
world health organization report The report released Tuesday estimates that 8.2 million people will be newly diagnosed with tuberculosis in 2023, the highest number since the organization began monitoring the disease in 1995. By 2023, tuberculosis will overtake COVID-19 as the most deadly infectious disease, the report said.
“It's discouraging because the global numbers aren't steadily going down,” Chaisson told USA TODAY.
Still, there are some positive signs globally. Deaths from tuberculosis have decreased, reaching 1.32 million deaths in 2022 and 1.25 million in 2023. Officials also saw a decline in disease and deaths from drug-resistant tuberculosis. The number of HIV/AIDS patients dying from tuberculosis has also decreased.
According to the WHO, the United States is providing the most aid to fight the disease globally. The disease is prevalent in crowded environments and tends to be more prevalent in poorer areas where access to health care and proper nutrition is lacking.
The United States is well-equipped to easily detect and treat infected people. However, many parts of the world lack such public health tools.
“Many countries don't do that,” Chaisson said. “It has to be done. That's why it's so persistent.”
Symptoms of active tuberculosis:
- Cough that lasts for several weeks.
- Cough with blood.
- Chest pain;
- Fatigue or weakness.
- Chills, fever, night sweats.
- You have no appetite and are losing weight.
People with inactive tuberculosis can develop active tuberculosis at any time. The CDC says people usually make plans to talk to their doctors to treat tuberculosis with antibiotic drugs that can kill the bacteria.
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