Climate change blames mosquito-borne virus outbreak in Pakistan's largest city
Local officials say climate change is to blame for the spread of a debilitating mosquito-borne virus that is putting pressure on hospitals in Pakistan's largest city.
Karachi experienced a record heatwave in October, with an average minimum temperature of 30.9 degrees Celsius, the hottest ever recorded in the city in that month.
Pakistan People's Party (PPP) Parliamentary Secretary for Health Nida Khuro said the combination of high temperatures and rainfall is creating more favorable breeding conditions for Aedes mosquitoes, which transmit chikungunya, dengue and Zika.
Around 181 people have now tested positive for chikungunya in Pakistan's southeastern Sindh province since the outbreak began in May.
However, the actual number of infections is believed to be much higher, and health authorities are testing suspected cases of the virus, which can cause debilitating joint pain as well as fever and nausea.
These symptoms are the origin of the name chikungunya fever. Chikungunya means “distorted” in the Kimakonde language of Tanzania, where the virus was first discovered in 1952.
“Climate change is causing an increase in vector-borne diseases such as malaria, dengue and chikungunya, putting pressure on health systems,” Curro said.
The fatality rate is low, thought to be around 1 in 1,000 cases, but the duration of symptoms can vary from days to weeks, months, or even years.
In the most severe cases, complications can include neurological problems such as paralysis and coma, as well as heart and eye problems that require lengthy hospitalization and intensive care.
The prefecture is 'facing a dire situation'
The number of infected people in Karachi, Pakistan's most populous city, has been steadily increasing since May.
The spread of infection is already putting a strain on the city's hospitals, which must treat a population of more than 20 million people.
According to local media reports, the city's public hospitals are treating hundreds of new suspected cases every day.
A survey conducted by the Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) earlier this month found that the influx of suspected chikungunya patients has become so intense that the emergency departments of all public hospitals in the city are unable to accept new patients. He says he can no longer do it.
“It is extremely important to understand that Sindh is currently facing a dire situation due to the rise in infectious diseases,” said Jawed Birwani, Chairman of KCCI, and Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah. stated in a letter to.
A report by the Aga Khan University Hospital said severe cases of chikungunya have been reported in Karachi, especially among the elderly and people suffering from diabetes.
PCR tests are in short supply and available only in a few private hospitals, making it difficult to determine the true scale of the outbreak. It also costs around 8,000 rupees (£22), putting it out of reach for the majority of people.
“Our technical team of entomologists is constantly on the lookout for vector-borne diseases and conducts surveillance across Sindh during both peak and off-peak seasons for timely detection and control,” said Khuro. said.
He added that the state government is planning an awareness campaign and taking preventive measures such as fumigation campaign to eliminate mosquitoes.
In addition to chikungunya, Pakistan is also grappling with an outbreak of dengue fever, with the rugged Balochistan province hardest hit, with thousands of new cases reported every week.
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