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Helping women survive ADHD, autism, and hormonal health

Helping women survive ADHD, autism, and hormonal health


For a long time, ADHD and autism were thought to be conditions that primarily affected boys and men. It is generally believed that these neurological differences are found almost exclusively in the male population, and even today, boys are diagnosed with ADHD and autism at approximately five times the rate of girls. However, we now know that these symptoms also affect girls and women, but are often underdiagnosed.

Most neuropsychiatric research has been conducted on boys, leaving girls and women underserved. what is this Dr. Lotta Borg SkoglundThe Swedish psychiatrist and associate professor at Uppsala University is determined to change. Dr. Skoglund is the founder of Smart Psychiatry, a Swedish clinic specializing in ADHD and autism. She recently started a new company, so letter lifespecifically designed to support women with neural bifurcation.

Letterlife: Helping women take control

Letterlife is an app created for women who experience ADHD and autism, which Dr. Skoglund calls “AuHDH.” This term reflects the overlap in symptoms of autism and ADHD and the unique challenges women face in managing these symptoms. The app aims to give users more control over their lives, allowing them to track symptoms, manage medications, and better understand how hormones affect their daily lives. I am.

A key feature of Letterlife is its focus on the menstrual cycle. Hormonal fluctuations during the cycle affect most women, but these effects can be more pronounced in women with ADHD or autism. Many girls with autism report struggling with the physical changes that come with puberty. They find it harder to cope with their bodies and mood swings than girls their age. Similarly, women with ADHD often experience more severe premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and Dr. Skoglund speculates that women with autism may face similar challenges.

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According to research conducted by Dr. Skoglund and her team, women with ADHD 5 times more likely Taking hormonal contraceptives can cause depression. Letterlife is directly addressing this connection between hormones and mental health. This helps women adjust to hormonal changes and provides insight into how these changes may affect medications and daily life.

Broader focus on women's health

There is an ongoing debate about whether too many people are currently being diagnosed with ADHD/autism. According to Dr. Skoglund, it's important to remember that people aren't looking for a diagnosis, they're looking for help. They want to figure out how to live their lives in a world that often feels like it wasn't made for them. With society's increasing cognitive demands, many people, especially neurodiverse women, struggle to keep up.

Letterlife's goal is to shine a spotlight on the ups and downs of these women's lives. Their experiences are often dismissed as exaggerations or imaginations. Therefore, Dr. Skoglund wants to ensure that women have the support they need to manage their health.

One of their studies included: 40,000 women More than half of the people from Stockholm who were diagnosed with neurodivergent disorders also suffered from anxiety disorders. The costs to the health system are enormous, but the real price is paid by women themselves, who often feel unsupported and misunderstood. As Dr. Skoglund points out, supporting the health of young women today is key to building a healthier, more functional society. Women play an important role not only in the family, but also in the workforce, especially in fields such as health care. When women are not feeling well, it affects society as a whole.

What’s next for Letterlife?

Since its launch, Letterlife has grown rapidly, increasing 5x in the past three months and expanding at a rate of 20% month over month. This shows that the app is clearly filling a gap in the market, with 55% of women still using it after 3 months. The team is currently planning a randomized controlled trial (RCT) to investigate the app's effectiveness and impact on users' daily lives.

One of the most important aspects of this app is its ability to help women understand how their medications affect their menstrual cycles. This can be a challenge for many women, especially those with AuHDH. This is because they may have trouble remembering medication schedules and realizing how the different stages of their cycle affect their treatment.

Looking to the future, Dr. Skoglund is excited about the future of Letterlife and hopes to continue expanding its reach. Through both her clinical work and research, she is committed to bringing greater attention to the unique needs of women with neurobifurcation diseases. In her words, future research needs to shift its focus to women to truly understand the full spectrum of neurodiversity and find the best ways to support those affected.




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