Eating whole grains is a healthy choice, but choosing the right product can be quite difficult
Whole grains and whole grains are made up of whole grains including bran, germ and endosperm.
You should choose whole grains for weight loss, a healthy diet, and a reduced risk of chronic illness. Global nutritionists and multiple studies have found that whole grains contain high amounts of dietary fiber (and thus healthy carbohydrates), vegetable proteins, vitamins, minerals and healthy antioxidants. I am emphasizing.
2019 studies published in journals Nutrients It has been shown that eating more whole grains may actually improve your body mass index and help with weight loss. Posted in another, Minutes of the Nutrition Society In 2015, regular consumption of unrefined whole grains and whole grain products showed that chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, obesity, high blood pressure and even diabetes could be stopped.
But maybe this is easier than it says. According to a recent study, choosing the right kind of whole grain product from the market and bringing it home to cook is more difficult or at least tricky.
Why is it difficult to choose whole grain products
Researchers at Friedman Nutrition at Tufts University and at the Department of Global Public Health at New York University recently published findings from a study on whole-grain product labels and how consumers confuse them. Public health nutrition.. In this study, we asked 1,030 consumers to read the labels for fictional and real whole-grain products on the market and pick the one that could offer the best benefits.
In both cases, the participants misunderstood the whole-grain product label, mainly because the label misunderstood the fact that they could not make the best choice according to their needs. Researchers found that the percentage of products that were marked as “whole grain” was actually whole grain compared to the refined grain content that was used in the actual whole grain. I’m not sure. What is marked as “multigrain” indicates that this label used many types of grain to make the product, but which grains were used and how much, and the grain flour was refined. It was even more misleading because it didn’t specify if it was really whole.
It’s important to know the difference because whole grains and whole grains are made of whole grains, including bran, germ, and endosperm. On the other hand, refined grain flour is composed only of endosperm, which leads to poor health. As the study above shows, improper labeling can lead manufacturers to believe that a product has more whole grains than it really does.
Tips for including more whole grains in your diet
Although this study is based in the United States, the findings are highly relevant to Indian consumers seeking a healthy diet by incorporating whole grains into their diets. Labels and advertisements that shout “whole grain” or “multigrain” can be misleading in this country, as in the United States. So how can consumers choose the right whole grain product? The following tips may be helpful:
- Foods that look brown or foods that have multiple grains sprinkled on top, such as bread and pasta, are assumed to actually be made entirely of whole grains and do not take into account the color or appearance of the product. Please give me.
- Instead of blindly buying a product that says “Wholemeal” or “Multigrain” on the label, check the actual ratio of wholemeal to refined flour.
- Do not use foods that are labeled as “concentrated” or “refined” in whole grains. This is because it is another indicator that the product is made of refined grain.
- Check the label and buy only the product that says “100% whole grain”.
However, the easiest way to avoid this confusion is to buy whole grains instead of whole grains such as bread and pasta. Whole grains are as easy to wash and cook as rice. By buying whole grains directly, you can be sure you get enough whole grains in your diet and you can make a better choice from whole grains. Barley, quinoa, millet, oats, brown rice, wild rice, black rice and couscous are easily available on all avatars on the market. So why not use the best one?
For more information, read our article Whole Wheat or Bread: Which Is Healthy?
The Firstpost Health article was created by, India’s first and largest resource for validated healthcare information. At myUpchar, researchers and journalists work with doctors to provide all health information.
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