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Restricting carbohydrates during childhood reduces the risk of T2D and hypertension

Restricting carbohydrates during childhood reduces the risk of T2D and hypertension



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Exposure to sugar rations in utero and in early childhood may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D) and hypertension later in life, with protective effects most pronounced after 6 months of age It will be.


  • Dietary exposures during the first 1000 days after pregnancy can affect adult health, but excessive sugar intake by U.S. children in the mother's diet in utero and while breastfeeding, and in infant formula and solid foods Little is known about the effects of
  • This study used a natural experiment to compare adults who became pregnant just before and after September 1953, the end of World War II sugar rationing in the United Kingdom, and found that early-life sugar exposure was associated with later T2D and hypertension. The impact on risk was evaluated. Consumption has almost doubled.
  • Overall, 60,183 UK Biobank participants born between October 1951 and March 1956 were included. Adults who became pregnant during the 1000 days before September 1953 were defined as “rationed” (n = 38,155).
  • Exposure to sugar rations was categorized as “none,” “in utero only,” or “in utero plus 6, 12, 18, or 24 months of age.” The reference group who had never received rations was defined as adults born between July and December 1954.
  • The primary outcomes were diagnosis of T2D (n = 3,936) and hypertension (n = 19,644) and age of onset.


  • The risk of T2D or hypertension was reduced depending on the duration of sugar rationing from in utero to age 2 years compared to a reference group that did not receive rationing.
  • Exposure to sugar rations from conception until at least 19 months of age had the greatest reduction in risk of T2D and hypertension – 38% (hazard ratio) [HR]0.62; 95% CI, 0.55-0.69) and 21% (HR, 0.79; 95% CI, 0.74-0.85), respectively.
  • Those exposed to sugar rationing in utero and for more than a year after birth had a delay in diagnosis of T2D and hypertension by approximately 4 and 2 years, respectively.
  • Exposure to sugar rationing in utero alone accounted for about one-third of the overall reduction in risk of T2D and hypertension. However, the effect was most pronounced when rationing continued beyond 6 months of age.


“Sugar tolerance was then matched with current limits set by the dietary guidelines of the United States, the World Health Organization, and the American Heart Association,” the authors write. “Although we have not directly evaluated these guidelines, our findings suggest that adhering to these guidelines early in life may have significant health benefits. It suggests that.


The study was led by Tadeja Gluckner of the Center for Economic and Social Research at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, and the RAND Corporation in Santa Monica, California. Published online in sciencerelated news articles.


Study limitations included the potential for unobservable differences between cohorts conceived during and after rationing. The UK Biobank is not nationally representative and includes wealthier and healthier individuals. Therefore, the results may not be generalizable to other populations. Additionally, no information on pre-study mortality was available.


This research was supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health. The authors declared that they had no conflicts of interest.

This article was created using several editing tools, including AI as part of the process. A human editor reviewed this content before publication.




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