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Study finds daytime sleepiness may be linked to pre-dementia syndrome

Study finds daytime sleepiness may be linked to pre-dementia syndrome


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when you find yourself sleepy in daily life If you are older, you may need to consider it more than just an inconvenience. Because fatigue can indicate a higher risk of developing symptoms such as: cause dementiaThat's what new research has found.

Among participants who experienced excessive daytime sleepiness, lack of enthusiasmAccording to the study, 35.5% developed motor cognitive risk syndrome, compared to 6.7% of people without those problems. The study was published on Wednesday Published in the journal Neurology.

Characteristics of Motor Cognitive Risk Syndrome (MCR) include: slow walking speed Additionally, some older adults who do not yet have dementia or movement disorders complain of memory problems. Risk of developing dementia more than twice This syndrome was first reported in 2013.

“Previous studies have shown an association between sleep disturbances and the risk of dementia,” study first author Dr. Victoire Leroy, assistant professor of geriatric medicine at the University Hospital of Tours in France, said in an email. mentioned in.

However, research has shown that some of these scientific reports primarily investigated the association at one point in time. LeRoy and his team also wrote that less is known about the relationship between certain aspects of poor sleep quality and pre-dementia syndromes, so they wanted to expand research in this area.

“It is important to establish the relationship between sleep dysfunction and MCR risk, as early intervention may offer the best hope for dementia prevention,” the authors said.

The results of this study are based on 76-year-olds recruited from Westchester County, New York, for the Central Control of Mobility and Aging study, which evaluates the cognitive processes and brain mechanisms that regulate mobility as we age. Based on 445 adults. Participants walked on a treadmill, recorded their first walk, and were evaluated annually from 2011 to 2018.

The study authors also collected data annually on participants' recall of sleep quality and quantity in the two weeks leading up to the assessment. Specifically, the research team collected details from seven components of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. Subjective sleep quality, time taken to fall asleep, sleep duration, sleep efficiency (ratio of total sleep time to total bedtime), sleep disturbances, sleep use of sleep-inducing drugs, difficulty staying awake during activities Daytime dysfunction, such as feeling depressed or having less enthusiasm for getting things done.

During an average follow-up period of approximately 3 years, 36 participants developed motor cognitive risk syndrome. Compared to those with “good” sleep, those with “bad” sleep were only at a slightly higher risk of MCR. However, when the authors considered the seven sleep components separately, only daytime dysfunction was associated with a 3.3-fold higher risk of MCR.

Dr. Richard Isaacson, principal investigator at the Florida Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases, said the study results could encourage doctors and patients to be more open about asking questions about sleep patterns and to look more closely at gait speed for early diagnosis. He said that it could be useful for Richardson was not involved in the study.

The study has some “significant” limitations, Dr. Tara Spiers-Jones, professor of neurodegeneration and director of the Center for Discovery and Brain Sciences at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, said in an email.

“Sleep measurements are self-reported and not measured by scientists. These self-reports may be biased by people who have memory problems,” said a researcher involved in the study. No Spiers-Jones said. “The study participants were predominantly white and the groups were much smaller than in similar single-point studies, so the results would be even stronger if confirmed in future studies.”

Although the study period was approximately three years, longer than previous studies, the authors acknowledged that follow-up was still short.

Motor Cognitive Risk Syndrome is newly identified, so there's still much to learn before experts can explain it in detail What causes it and how does it affect the body, Isaacson said. Complicating matters, Isaacson said, so far there is no “definitive pathological biomarker” for MCR.

But “several mechanisms may explain this association,” LeRoy said. “Sleep has the role of 'purifying' neurotoxins that have accumulated in the brain. Additionally, previous research has shown that sleep-deprived people accumulate more proteins associated with Alzheimer's disease.

“An alternative or additional possibility is to activate the brain's inflammatory response, which is observed in Alzheimer's disease and related dementias,” LeRoy said.

Of the seven sleep factors, only daytime dysfunction is associated with MCR risk, experts say, while six other factors, including sleep quality and quantity, are thought to play a role in daytime dysfunction. It is unclear why there is a significant association between

Spires-Jones noted the potential link between daytime dysfunction and MCR: A reverse causal relationship is also possible.

“Scientific evidence suggests that during the early stages of dementia, pathological changes in the brain disrupt sleep.” In other words, it is thought to be an early stage disease that causes sleep disorders, and that sleep disorders do not cause the disease.

It is well known that sleep disorders such as REM sleep behavior disorder The following conditions can be predicted at an early stage. Lewy body dementia Or Parkinson's disease, Isaacson said.

LeRoy said the findings show how valuable sleep is.

person who has have trouble sleeping Isaacson said you should talk to your doctor, consider your answers to a sleep questionnaire, and discuss whether a sleep study at home or in the hospital might be helpful.

“There are now many treatments, both drug and non-drug approaches, that may be helpful depending on the exact problem found,” he added. “Treatment of sleep disorders should have benefits for overall brain health and dementia prevention for years, even decades.”

You can also take other measures to protect your brain during aging.

“Leading a healthy lifestyle, including eating well, maintaining a healthy weight, keeping your body and brain active, and treating hearing loss can all improve brain resilience and possibly It's a way to lower your risk of dementia,” Spiers-Jones said.

“This is not to blame the lifestyle choices of people with dementia,” she added. “The best estimates show that less than half of the risk of dementia is due to modifiable risk factors of this type, with the remaining risk likely due to the genes we inherit.”

however, Possibility to change risk And there's reason to be hopeful about advances in medical research and treatments, Spiers-Jones added.

If you already have mobility issues, fall prevention may be helpful, Isaacson said. This includes physical and occupational therapy evaluations, as well as adaptations to the home environment, such as installing bars in the shower, removing clutter, and using a night light.




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