Daytime sleepiness and decreased motivation may be associated with motor cognitive risk syndrome
Older people who are sleepy during the day or lack enthusiasm for activities due to sleep problems are more likely to develop a syndrome that can lead to dementia, according to research published online in the November 6, 2024 issue. It is said that there is a high possibility. Neurology®Medical Journal of the American Academy of Neurology.
People with the syndrome say they walk slowly and have memory problems, although they don't have motor problems or dementia. This condition, called motor cognitive risk syndrome, can occur before dementia develops.
The study found that people who were excessively sleepy during the day and lacked enthusiasm to get things done were more likely to develop the syndrome than those without sleep-related problems. This study does not prove that these sleep-related problems are the cause of the syndrome, only that there is an association.
Our findings highlight the need for screening for sleep problems. It may help people solve their sleep problems and prevent subsequent cognitive decline. ”
Victoire Leroy, MD; research author of Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, New York.
The study involved 445 people without dementia, with an average age of 76 years. Participants completed a sleep questionnaire at the beginning of the study. They were asked about memory problems and tested for walking speed on a treadmill at the beginning of the study, and then once a year for an average of three years.
The sleep assessment included questions about how often participants had trouble sleeping, such as waking up in the middle of the night, not being able to fall asleep within 30 minutes, being too hot or too cold, and whether they were taking any medication to help them sleep. Questions to assess excessive daytime sleepiness ask how often you have trouble staying awake while driving, eating, or engaging in social activities. Enthusiasm questions ask how much trouble people have maintaining enough enthusiasm to get things done.
A total of 177 people met the definition of poor sleeper and 268 met the definition of good sleeper.
At the start of the study, 42 people had motor cognitive risk syndrome. An additional 36 people developed the syndrome during the study.
Among people who had excessive daytime sleepiness or lack of motivation, 35.5% developed the syndrome, compared with 6.7% of people without those problems. When the researchers adjusted for other factors that may influence the risk of this syndrome, such as age, depression, and other health conditions, they found that people with excessive daytime sleepiness or lack of motivation , were found to be more than three times more likely to develop this syndrome compared to those people. People who don't have sleep-related problems.
“Further research is needed to examine the relationship between sleep problems and cognitive decline and the role played by motor cognitive risk syndrome,” LeRoy said. “Research is also needed to explain the mechanisms linking these sleep disorders to motor cognitive risk syndrome and cognitive decline.”
A limitation of this study is that participants reported their own sleep information, so they may not remember everything accurately.
This research was supported by the National Institute on Aging.
Reference magazines:
Leroy, V. Others. (2024) Association between sleep disorders and frequent motor cognitive risk syndrome in community-dwelling elderly people. Neurology.
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