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“This year we’re getting more flu shots than ever before,” asked the emergency room doctor


SPRINGFIELD-Recent Food and Drug Administration Release of influenza vaccine lot For distribution by the manufacturer, and Dr. Mark KentonThe Mercy Medical Center’s emergency department chief wants the public to be aware when vaccination shots for this flu season are available.

According to Kenton, influenza vaccinations are now more important than ever, as they are provided by health care providers and pharmacies.

Kenton specifically needs vaccination to avoid influenza infection during coronavirus pandemics because the COVID-19 vaccine does not currently exist. “As soon as the flu vaccine hits the market… people should make a promise to get it with their doctor or when the clinic starts to promote it.”

Complications caused by the 2019 influenza and coronavirus disease proved fatal and some populations are at increased risk.

Influenza vaccines cannot prevent COVID-19 infection, but they can also protect against the influenza virus and reduce the symptoms of influenza infection.

“If I’m infected with influenza and my immune system is compromised and I’m getting COVID-19, my biggest concern is that co-infection component,” Kenton said. “If you have other (chronic illnesses or conditions) like diabetes or hypertension, or are over 65, does it increase your overall risk of death? What happens? I don’t know yet.”

According to Kenton, staying home when ill and taking antiviral medications to shorten the illness and vaccination of the flu are key to treating, preventing and alleviating the flu virus.

Wearing masks, social distance, and good hygiene are key to preventing the spread of COVID-19. Kenton says these efforts may have helped reduce exposure to influenza this spring when a pandemic was raised.

Kenton said his hope was, “If people cover the way we recommend, we wouldn’t see much flu.”

“Last year the influenza B epidemic was a very bad flu,” Kenton said. “When we went into quarantine, we really saw a significant reduction in influenza.”

He warned that a moderate to severe flu season, coupled with more peaks of COVID-19 cases, could overwhelm the healthcare system.

Kenton recorded an extraordinary peak in the mid-December season of December associated with the influenza B virus, when last year’s flu season began in early winter.

“We were seeing a very large number of patients in the emergency department,” Kenton said. “On average, 220 patients were seen a day before COVID was applied, with 280,290 patients per day during the peak influenza season at the end of December and January, depending on the flu season. Has more than 60 patients per day.

“It’s a significant number of patients going through the emergency department, whether you see them out of the hospital or accept them if there are beds available,” he added. Infectious diseases can overwhelm our healthcare system. “

Despite the recent increase in COVID-19 in Massachusetts, Kenton said he “wishes” to decrease such numbers if people “keep on guard”.

“People are getting tired of getting rolled over and there is a lot of fatigue about what we had to do for months,” Kenton said, in a public space far away from the public. Mentioned a public health emergency order requiring the wearing of a mask is not possible. “People want to enjoy their time with their families and enjoy their time outs, but we still need to remember that we still need masks and social distances. We need to stay vigilant about it. If you don’t, you’ll see the numbers move back up, and if that happens, others will shut down again.”

He also added that at some point the students could return to face-to-face learning, strengthening the importance of influenza vaccination for people over 6 months.

“In a closed environment, where people are in the neighborhood, the spread of the flu can easily spread, so the school is a vehicle of the flu and takeaway and is also concerned about COVID,” said Kenton. “. “It’s more important than ever to get the flu vaccine this year.”

Kenton reminds us that COVID-19 can cause “various symptoms.”

“I can see a patient and think you have the flu based on clinical symptoms and emphasis on the community, but COVID has a very diverse array of symptoms, Is more clinically difficult for us,” said Kenton. “We are prone to the flu and the feeling of fever and body aches and fatigue. With COVID, not only is there a loss of taste and smell, but others have fever and cough, I have shortness of breath and some have it all, but I see asymptomatic people with nothing.”

While vaccines are being developed and various treatments that have been successful in some COVID-19 patients are being applied, Kenton said it is important to “control what you can control”. Influenza vaccination is important because he can minimize the risk of COVID-19 and prevent the flu, he says.

“To be honest, I hope the flu will be much lower than in other years,” said Kenton. “I don’t know this for sure, but in terms of how the flu virus spreads, wearing a mask makes it less likely that the virus will spread to anyone else.”

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