Having trouble sleeping? Avoid these 5 mistakes to get back on track
When people have a bad night's sleep, they tend to do desperate things. They panic in bed. They try to compensate for the Z lost through sleep. In the morning, I drink three extra-large energy drinks to help me feel more alert.
Sleep experts say that while these actions may seem logical, they probably do more harm than good.
Says you don't need to take extreme measures to fix a few hours of sleep deprivation Dr. Ravi Isolaa sleep expert and respiratory critical care physician at the University of California, Los Angeles. Occasional insomnia (difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or getting quality sleep) is normal for the average adult.
“The best way to protect yourself from a poor night's sleep is to maintain good overall sleep hygiene,” he says. it means to establish A calming pre-bedtime routine Develop healthy habits to reset your sleep.
The goal is to get at least 7 hours of sleep consistently. According to the National Sleep Foundation. Good sleep is important for our health and research shows it promotes good health our mood, our memories and our immune system.
Isola says if you have trouble sleeping three or more days a week for more than three months, and your lack of sleep cannot be fully explained by another health problem, see your health care provider about treating chronic insomnia. Please consult.
Sleep experts share common mistakes people make when they have trouble sleeping and what to do to fix them.
Mistake #1: Force sleep
When you wake up in the middle of the night, you might leave it attached to your pillow and try to go back to sleep, Isola says.
But this only creates an association between “bedtime and stress,” he says. Lying there awake may give you more time to worry about not getting enough sleep or being tired the next day.
Fix: If you can't sleep again, get out of bed. Do relaxing activities in dim lighting. Take a warm bath, read a boring book, or listen to a soothing podcast or playlist.
If you have a lot on your mind, Isola suggests writing down your worries in a notebook. “Things often lose their power when they are put on paper,” he says. Managing your stress levels allows you to reset your mind and body, allowing you to relax and go back to sleep.
Mistake #2: Falling asleep
It can be very tempting to turn off your alarm the next morning after experiencing insomnia. Especially if you have time to spend in bed. But Isola says that when you're sleeping, you're essentially jet-lagged. Changes in circadian rhythms can cause moodiness, headaches, gastrointestinal issues such as nausea and indigestion, and can make you feel “generally unwell.”
Fix: To make up for lost sleep, Isola suggests waiting a few hours and taking a nap. To avoid feeling groggy and affecting your nighttime rest, take a nap of no more than an hour at least six hours before bedtime. (If you want to know more about how to take a nap, listen to this episode. )
Mistake #3: Consuming too much caffeine
For many people, it will feel natural and necessary to try to rejuvenate after a night of sleep deprivation. There's nothing wrong with a morning latte, but restraint is key, sleep doctors say. Dr Seema Khoslamedical director of the North Dakota Sleep Center. So you might not choose a jumbo coffee with a triple shot of espresso.
Consuming too much caffeine can affect the length and quality of your next night's sleep. one Looking back on 2023 A study on the effects of caffeine and sleep found that consuming caffeine can reduce your nightly sleep by 45 minutes.
Fix: The Federal Drug Administration recommends keeping your caffeine intake to no more than 400 mg, or about 4 cups of coffee, per day. meanwhile Caffeine tolerance varies Khosla recommends cutting back on caffeine at lunchtime or earlier so that diet soda doesn't interfere with your beauty sleep.
Mistake #4: Skipping training
The gym isn't the first place most people want to go to at night after tossing and turning. It's also easy to drop your regular exercise routine when you feel your energy is low. But while it may be a pain to put on your running shoes, moving your body will give you the energy you need during the day and help you sleep at night.
“Exercise is great for sleep,” says Khosla. Promotes restorative slow-wave sleep and melatonin, a hormone that regulates the body's sleep-wake cycles. It's also perfect for stress relief.
Solution: Do what feels good to your body. Even light exercise, like a brisk walk or a little yoga before bed, can help, Khosla says.
Be aware that insomnia can affect your balance and coordination. Therefore, avoid strenuous training, such as lifting heavy weights, if you are not in top physical condition.
Mistake #5: Drinking alcohol
Some people may drink a glass of wine before bed to help them fall asleep, but Khosla says that's only a temporary solution. “Many people fall asleep faster when they drink alcohol, but that sleep may not be as restorative.”
According to research Alcohol destroys sleep architectureor the natural progression of sleep stages that cycle through each night. It can suppress REM sleep, causing sleep apnea and causing frequent awakenings.
Fix: If you're thinking of having a nightcap at night, don't drink it right before bed. Khosla says to drink alcohol at least three hours before bed and limit yourself to one drink to avoid disrupting your sleep.
If you're tempted to drink to relieve the panic that you're not getting enough sleep, remember that no one sleeps perfectly, says Khosla. “It's normal to wake up at night. No one sleeps forever every night.”
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