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Less than 1 in 5 Americans is eligible to be tested for lung cancer. The reason is as follows

Less than 1 in 5 Americans is eligible to be tested for lung cancer. The reason is as follows


Less than 20% (19.6%) of Americans eligible for lung cancer screening receive the necessary tests, according to a study published in . JAMA network open.

This is in stark contrast to 70-75% Percentage of Americans who are screened for other cancers through tests such as mammography for breast cancer and colonoscopy for colon cancer. According to the CDC, lung cancer has the highest mortality rate of all cancers, and nearly half of lung cancer patients are diagnosed when it has already spread outside the lungs and survival rates are low. The low numbers are a cause for concern.

So why are lung cancer screening rates so low? The answer is not simple and is likely the result of multiple factors.

First, many Americans don't even know that lung cancer screening tests exist or who is actually eligible for them. a low dose CT scan A chest exam is the only way to be screened for lung cancer and involves a special type of x-ray that takes pictures of your lungs while you lie flat on a table and pass them through a machine. Annual screening should be performed on people ages 50 to 80 who have a smoking history of 20 pack years or more and are currently smoking or have quit within the past 15 years.

According to 2023 Early Detection Survey The survey, conducted by the Cancer Prevention Foundation, found that two in five respondents could not identify the exact description of a lung cancer screening test, and 44% did not understand the definition of pack-year smoking history. This confusion about what a specific screening test is and who is actually eligible can be a major barrier for many people who could actually benefit from the test.

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To be clear, a history of smoking 20 packs a year means smoking one pack a day for 20 years, or two packs a day for 10 years.

There may also be barriers from GPs themselves, as many GPs do not discuss lung cancer screening with their patients. Some reports indicate that fewer than 10% of physicians regularly discuss lung cancer screening with their patients. Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers, and prevention. This highlights the need for physicians to understand lung cancer screening recommendations and advise patients about their importance.

Although Medicare and most private insurance companies cover lung cancer testing for eligible people, there can still be significant barriers to getting tested. Although low-dose CT screening is covered by Medicaid in the majority of states; some states Prior authorization or co-payment is still required before being tested. This can create unnecessary barriers to getting life-saving tests. Finally, the stigma surrounding smoking, the most common risk factor for lung cancer, may also contribute to low screening rates. Despite the clear benefits of early screening, many current or former smokers may feel judged or shamed for seeking screening. Being labeled a smoker by medical professionals or friends can cause undue anxiety and embarrassment for many people.

Addressing all these barriers is important to improve lung cancer screening rates. This can be achieved by having experts provide clear messages about eligibility criteria, which will increase awareness of how deadly lung cancer really is. Additionally, health care providers should proactively discuss the benefits and risks of lung cancer screening with patients, especially those at higher risk. Expanding access to testing, especially in underserved and rural areas, could enable more people to benefit from lifesaving tests. Finally, reducing stigma by normalizing screening may help people feel more comfortable undergoing lung cancer screening studies.

According to , annual screening with a low-dose CT scan can reduce lung cancer deaths by 20%. American Lung Association. We need to do better to save more lives.




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