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Why it's a good idea to get the flu and COVID-19 vaccines before the holidays

Why it's a good idea to get the flu and COVID-19 vaccines before the holidays


WASHINGTON (AP) — If you missed the fall flu and COVID-19 vaccination drive, it's not too late.

Health officials say it's important to get vaccinated before the holidays, as respiratory bugs tend to spread during travel and indoor celebrations.

These viruses have not caused any major problems so far this fall. However, COVID-19 infections tend to spike in the winter, typically starting around Thanksgiving and peaking in January.

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And that coincides with the flu season, which tends to start in November or December and peak in January or February.

It takes about two weeks for the body to build up immunity after any vaccination. This means vaccinations are needed before these viruses start to spread. Many older adults also need protection against RSV, another dangerous winter virus.

Yes, you can receive the influenza and COVID-19 vaccinations at the same time. Don't call these boosters. These aren't just an extra dose of protection from last year. Coronaviruses and influenza are escape artists that constantly mutate to evade the body's immune defenses, so both vaccines are reformulated every year to target newer strains.

Vaccination is not perfect, but it provides strong protection against severe symptoms and death from influenza and COVID-19.

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“It may not prevent all infections, but it will reduce the severity of infections,” said Dr. Demetre Daskalakis of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “I’d rather have my grandmother or great-grandmother sniff me than go to the emergency room on Thanksgiving.”

Last year, only 45% of adults received a flu shot, and even fewer at 23% received a COVID-19 vaccine.

“The best line of defense to protect yourself, your loved ones, and those around you is a simple shot,” Dr. Bruce A. Scott, president of the American Medical Association, said in a recent statement.

It may have disappeared from the headlines, but the coronavirus still killed more Americans last year than the flu.

Dr. Michael Knight of George Washington University said, “Even though I believe it might not happen to me, let's not take any chances.” “Why not have a vaccine that reduces that risk?”

Who needs a fall COVID-19 or influenza vaccination?

The CDC recommends both an up-to-date COVID-19 vaccination and an annual influenza vaccine for everyone 6 months of age and older. If you have recently been infected with COVID-19, you can wait two to three months, but you should get an updated vaccination as we anticipate an increase in infections in the winter.

Both viruses can be especially dangerous for certain groups, such as older adults and people with weakened immune systems and lung or heart disease. Young children are also more vulnerable. The CDC counted 199 child deaths from influenza last year.

Pregnancy also increases your chances of contracting a serious coronavirus infection or influenza. Additionally, vaccination not only protects the mother, but also provides some protection for the newborn.

Additionally, the CDC says that because coronavirus is not just a winter threat, people 65 and older should receive a second COVID-19 vaccination six months after the fall shot to increase year-round protection. I recommend that you take it. People with weakened immune systems are also eligible for booster vaccinations.

What's new about COVID-19 vaccinations?

While last fall's shots targeted strains of the coronavirus that are no longer prevalent, this year's shots are tailored to a new section of the coronavirus family tree. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are formulated against a virus subtype called KP.2, while the Novavax vaccine targets its parent strain, JN.1. Daskalakis said all need to provide good cross-protection against other variants that are currently circulating.

Pfizer and Moderna's mRNA vaccines are available for adults and children as young as 6 months old. The Novavax vaccine is a more traditional protein vaccine combined with an immune booster and can be given to anyone over the age of 12.

Which influenza vaccine should I choose?

Vaccinations with high-dose shots and special immune boosters are designed for people over 65, but if you can't find one easily, opt for the regular flu shot for all ages. You can also.

For those who don't like injections, Flumist, a nasal spray, is available for people aged 2 to 49 to buy at pharmacies and clinics, and will be available for home use next year.

All influenza vaccinations this year protect against two strains of influenza A and one strain of influenza B. Another once-common strain of influenza B stopped spreading several years ago and was removed from vaccines.

What about another virus, RSV?

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a cold-like nuisance for most people, but it crowds hospitals every winter and affects children under 5, the elderly and people with certain high-risk health problems. It can be deadly for people.

The CDC recommends RSV vaccination for everyone age 75 and older, and those ages 60 to 74 who are at increased risk. It's a one-time vaccine, not an annual one, but only 24% of seniors got it last year. It is also recommended during the third trimester of pregnancy to protect babies born in autumn and winter.

Daskalakis also said it's safe to get the respiratory syncytial virus, influenza and COVID-19 vaccines at the same time, although “your arm might hurt and you might feel sick for the rest of the day.” said.

How much does it cost?

For Medicare, Medicaid, and most private insurance plans, the vaccine should be free if you use an in-network provider.

Last year, about 1.5 million uninsured adults received free coronavirus vaccinations through a federal program that has ended. In return, the CDC is providing $62 million to health departments to help improve access. Call your local health department and ask about your options.

Check the government website ( for availability at your local pharmacy.




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