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MPOX in Africa: EU responds – World

MPOX in Africa: EU responds – World


The viral disease mpox is widespread in Africa and has been declared a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) by the World Health Organization.

It was first identified in 1958 and the first human case of mpox was recorded in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1970. mpox is transmitted by close contact with infected humans or animals. It causes flu-like symptoms and skin lesions and can be fatal, with mortality rates varying depending on the virus group. For decades, the disease was mainly confined to the forests of the Congo Basin and West Africa, but it has now spread to other parts of the continent.

we talked Mateo Notchwho oversees the medical program at the European Commission's Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Action, is conducting a detailed investigation into the current outbreak.

What is the situation like now?

“So far in 2024, more than 11,000 confirmed cases have been reported in 19 countries, of which 53 people have died. However, when considering both suspected and confirmed cases, the number of deaths is The ongoing MPOX outbreak is already larger and more widespread than any previous outbreak, according to the WHO. There are three variants or “clades”. clade 1 and clade 2. The oldest type of virus, clade 1, usually causes more severe illness and death and occurs regularly or is endemic in Central Africa. The disease is spread by contact with infected animals that carry the disease and by close contact with humans, and children are also at risk. Clade 2 caused the global mpox outbreak in 2022, but tends to be less severe. Last year, a new clade, clade 1b, emerged and rapidly spread to adults and children through close contact. ”

How serious is the current outbreak?

“MPOX is not the next global pandemic like COVID-19, but its spread is alarming. mpox outbreaks must be dealt with quickly and effectively to avoid a larger global spread.While some people become seriously ill and may even die from the disease, most people do not. However, the disease can be highly stigmatized due to its visible symptoms, but testing capacity is still limited. In remote areas, disease surveillance and laboratory detection are inadequate, so mpox It can be difficult to distinguish between other diseases.

What is the EU doing to stop the spread of infection?

“The EU has already delivered 215,000 doses of vaccines and additional doses will be donated by the EU and its Member States (“Team Europe”) in the coming weeks. The European Commission's Humanitarian Aid Program also announced €1.5 million in humanitarian aid to support care, prevention, epidemiological surveillance and risk communication by activating various measures. Additionally, in collaboration with the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, two epidemiologists were deployed to support the African Center for Disease Prevention and Control and its partner Congo.

Through our humanitarian partners, we share reliable and accurate health information with communities and actively seek out suspected cases for referral to hospitals. We also take measures to promote health and hygiene. ”

What should I do if I develop symptoms?

“Infected people often develop a rash that resembles pimples or blisters, along with fever and other flu-like symptoms. When this occurs, treatment can greatly reduce the severity of the infection. We encourage people to seek medical attention immediately.”




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