Is soybean bad for your health? Experts give their opinions
If you're thinking of shifting more plant based dietMany meals contain some form of soy, whether for environmental or health reasons. Soy is available in a variety of forms, from tofu and tempeh to soy protein isolate found in fake meat.
Despite soy's widespread popularity, there are many rumors about whether it is good for you. To get the answer, luck We spoke to the experts – here's what you need to know.
What is soybean?
Soybean products are derived from the soybean, a plant in the legume family, whose seeds may be known as the popular food edamame. According to , the United States is the world's largest soybean producer. Faculty of Agriculture.
It is probably one of the most important crops, being processed into biofuels, vegetable oils, and other foods, as well as providing protein for animals and humans.
Common soy foods include tofu, edamame, tempeh, miso, soy milk, soy sauce, soy protein isolate, soybean oil, and textured vegetable protein.
Is soybean bad for your health?
Concerns about soy stem primarily from two studies published in 2006. 1987 and 1998says the registered dietitian. lauren mcneilspecializing in plant-based nutrition. Researchers were investigating how raw soy consumed by mice affected hormone levels and health status. They found that soy increased cancer risk and stimulated breast growth in mice.
Soybeans contain phytoestrogens. This means that soy has a similar chemical structure to estrogen and can mimic and increase estrogen activity in the body. This has led people to worry that phytoestrogens, such as those found in soy, may increase the risk of breast cancer, as estrogen activity can act as a catalyst for cancer growth.
Other concerns about soy include what it may be like. inhibits thyroid function Based on animal and test tube studies.
But those studies are fundamentally flawed, McNeil said.
“Soy is essentially not something that rats typically eat… transposing it to humans is not good research,” McNeil said. luck. In fact, there is evidence of soy's overall benefits for human health.
@tastingtothrive_rd Reply to @chubaga Is soy bad for you? #vegandietian #Soy myth #vegansoymyth ♬ Original Sound – Plant-Based Nutritionist | Lauren
Many recent studies and research reviews have proven that concerns that soy is harmful to health are false. Studies have shown that soy has no significant health effects. thyroid function—I thought that relationship was still under investigation. a 2010 survey It was also tested to see how soy affects male reproductive hormones. They found that soy had no effect on testosterone or other sex hormones in men.
“We now have very clear human data showing there is no association between soy intake and increased cancer risk and increased cancer recurrence,” says breast physician Neil Iron. Dr. Garr says. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center In New York.
Potential health benefits of soybeans
“There are many benefits to including soy.” [your] Diet,” McNeil said.
in fact, some research Eating soy has been shown to have a wide range of benefits beyond just lowering your risk of cancer. improve health outcomes.
Soybean foods such as tofu, edamame, and tempeh contain fiber, proteinvitamins and minerals, and has the added benefit of being plant-based. Iyengar believes this is beneficial to patients due to its overall effectiveness. Health and longevity benefits That's what you get from a plant-first diet.
“The good thing about soy is that it's packed with nutrients. I would never tell people to avoid soy,” he says. “In fact, I would encourage people to include soy as part of a healthy diet to prevent cancer.”
a 2009 survey A study of 5,042 female breast cancer survivors in China (women aged 20 to 75 diagnosed between March 2002 and April 2006) found that those who ate a diet high in soy were more likely to die. It was found that the risk of cancer recurrence was significantly lower. For men, on the other hand, soy intake appears to help reduce the risk of prostate cancer. 2018 survey.
on the other hand, 2019 review explains that the phytoestrogens found in soy are associated with many benefits, including cardiovascular and cognitive function, skin health, promoting weight loss, and reducing menopausal symptoms.
Other benefits of soybeans include:
- Lower total cholesterol
- Reducing high blood pressure
- Decrease in fasting blood sugar levels
- appetite suppression
- Minimize skin aging
The best way to consume soy
Some forms of soy are more highly processed than others, such as isolated soy protein and textured plant protein, common in protein powders and vegan meat substitutes, and found in many processed foods. Examples include soybean oil, which is used as a cooking oil in many restaurants. To get the most benefit from the protein, fiber, and other nutrients found in soybeans, it's best to stick to minimally processed soy foods.
Here are some soy foods you may want to include in your diet.
- Tofu
- Edamame (including dried crunchy edamame snacks)
- Tempe
- i am milk
McNeil's favorite way to make tofu is by tossing it with olive oil, garlic powder, salt, paprika, and nutritional yeast, then tossing it in the airfryer or oven to add to stir-fries, salads, and wraps. She also loves steaming edamame and seasoning it with salt.
“Less processing is more,” Iyengar says.
Iyengar recommends consuming one to two servings of soy per day to confirm the health benefits observed in numerous studies. However, this recommendation does not mean that it is bad to consume more than that. Foods like tofu and edamame are rich in protein and fiber, he says, so you're likely to be easily satisfied with soy alone, and if you eat more than one or two servings, you'll be spoiled for choice with other nutritional values. They may not have room to eat more expensive foods.
“You can eat soy every day if you want,” Iyengar says.
Diet and nutrition details:
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