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Understanding epilepsy: why epilepsy is more than just a seizure

Understanding epilepsy: why epilepsy is more than just a seizure


Understanding epilepsy: why epilepsy is more than just a seizure

What is epilepsy??
Epilepsy is the name of a medical condition in which patients have repeated seizures. Seizures are also more commonly called “seizures” or “convulsions.” A normal brain has millions of neurons that generate electricity. This electrical current moves between brain regions in a controlled and coordinated manner, producing different brain functions.
When these brain currents become excessive and disrupted for a few minutes, the person behaves abnormally for a short period of time, resulting in an epileptic seizure.
If seizures occur repeatedly without a direct trigger, it suggests a low threshold for recurrent seizures, which is epilepsy.
Epilepsy is a common neurological disease that affects 1 in 200 people in the community. People with epilepsy have seizures or “seizures.”
Are there different types of fits?
In a normal brain, electrical current continues to flow in a controlled manner. Seizures or seizures are caused by a short period of excessive electrical current in the brain. Symptoms of a seizure vary depending on the part of the brain where the abnormal current occurs. Therefore, there are different types of seizures and seizures.
Generalized (grand mal) seizures:
In this type of seizure, a person falls to the ground, becomes stiff, and trembles all over. Foam may form at the mouth. You may not be able to urinate or bite your tongue. These are commonly called “convulsions.”
focal seizures
This is a seizure caused by abnormal electrical current flowing only in one part of the brain, and symptoms vary depending on where the electrical current flows.
Focal cognitive seizures:
The person is fully conscious, feels unusual sensations or twitches in the limbs, and later remembers this event.
Focal involuntary seizures:
The person is completely insane, exhibiting unrelated automatic behaviors such as flapping their limbs, biting and pinching, and a blank, unresponsive facial expression. The person cannot remember this event later. These are called focal unconscious seizures or complex partial seizures.
Is epilepsy also a disease?
Medicine is the mainstay Treatment of epilepsy And modern drugs are very safe and have minimal side effects. More than 70% of people with epilepsy have their seizures successfully controlled with medication. There are currently more than 15 drugs available to treat seizures.
What precautions should people with epilepsy take?
Seek appropriate medical assistance from a professional doctor
Even if you don't have an attack, taking your medication regularly is the top priority.
Sleeping and eating times should be regular. Lack of sleep is known to trigger seizures
If your epilepsy is active, avoid driving motorized vehicles, swimming, cooking over an open fire, and using heavy machinery.
Many factors predispose people to epilepsy. It is known to run in families and can follow a head attack, high fever, low blood sugar, or even trauma to the brain. However, in some cases no such risk factors can be identified and the individual develops spontaneous seizures. If a previously healthy person suddenly develops epilepsy, it may indicate an underlying injury or abnormality in the brain.
Impact on physical and mental health
of Effects of epilepsy Most people outgrow the seizures, but for some, physical incapacitation occurs after the seizure itself. For example, if epilepsy is secondary to a brain injury due to birth-related complications (perinatal injury) or a head injury due to a car accident or stroke, the person is likely to suffer further disability due to paralysis or cognitive impairment due to the brain injury. there is. .
The mental and emotional effects of epilepsy can also be a challenge. People with epilepsy can face prejudice, bullying, and social isolation due to social stigma stemming from insufficient knowledge and understanding of the problem. Overprotection or restriction of daily activities such as going to school, traveling, and socializing with friends can affect confidence and self-esteem, which in turn can lead to anxiety and depression. Anxiety related to seizures can further limit your lifestyle. Unfortunately, stigma against epilepsy is often fueled by ignorance and misconceptions about the disease, which impacts the mental health of people with epilepsy. Some people with epilepsy also have other problems such as attention deficit, hyperactivity, depression, and anxiety.
The best way to overcome this is to spread correct information about the nature of epilepsy and the fact that it can be adequately treated with drugs and surgery. Awareness programs through public spaces, communication through radio, television and social media, and intensive lectures can go a long way in dispelling myths. November 17 is celebrated as National Epilepsy Day every year to spread the right message about the nature of epilepsy and that it is a treatable medical condition.
(Author: Dr. Jayanti Mani, Consultant Neurology, Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital, Mumbai)




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