Hawaii's first case of avian influenza confirmed at Wahiawa duck rescue site

HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) – Hawaiian News Now has learned the location of Hawaii's first confirmed case of bird flu.
The owner of the Wahiawa Duck Conservancy, whose nonprofit organization first discovered the duck, said she initially thought her animal had been poisoned.
The number of birds that died in this one facility is staggering. Twenty rescued waterfowl were found dead along with 13 wild zebra birds.
The state Department of Agriculture then decided to kill more than 70 birds on Wahiawa's property, leaving the duck rescue founder devastated.
learn more: State confirms avian influenza in central Oahu bird flock
In an emotional post on Instagram, Susan Wilkinson, founder of Susie's Duck Sanctuary, said the first case of bird flu in Hawaii was discovered during a waterfowl rescue in a residential area in Wahiawa. said that it was done.
“This is not a government conspiracy. This is not a joke. It's very bad. It's very bad,” she said.
Wilkinson did not reveal his exact whereabouts, but he wants people to take the deadly bird virus seriously. She said 20 of the waterfowl, ducks, geese and swans she rescued died rapidly two weeks ago.
Some were asymptomatic, while others were lethargic and had neurological problems.
“They were very nervous because their heads were twitching and their necks were twisted. They had a lot of different symptoms and we couldn't put it all together,” Wilkinson told Hawaii News Now. spoke.
“I had no idea. I thought we were addicted,” she added.
learn more: Poultry farmers and owners are “scared to death” after first detection of bird flu in Hawaii
Wilkinson's veterinarian contacted state authorities, who tested the dead bird and confirmed it was avian influenza.
State veterinarian Dr. Isaac Maeda said the Department of Agriculture has decided to euthanize more than 70 birds at the sanctuary to prevent the spread of a deadly avian virus.
“This decision was made due to the fact that this was our first detection,” he said. “What we want to do is try to get rid of the viral load to prevent further spread.”
State health officials say there are several Wilkinson birds present. We participated in the Mililani Town Association Pet Fair on November 2nd.However, there were no signs of infection at that time.
Wilkinson said visitors did not touch her animals. It will be 120 days before her property will be cleaned and disinfected and she will be able to house birds again.
“As there were no signs of infection in the birds at the time of the fair, it is unlikely that the H5N1 virus can infect humans. However, out of an abundance of caution, DOH is not allowing anyone to attend the fair and touch the ducks and geese.” “We recommend that people who have been infected monitor for symptoms of influenza-like illness (ILI) and conjunctivitis ('blister eye'),” the Hawaii State Department of Health said. statement.
State agriculture officials say Wilkinson's bird may have contracted the disease from a zebra pigeon, but it's unclear how the bird got infected because wild birds don't migrate from outside the island.
Officials are reminding people not to touch sick birds, avoid feeding wild birds, and avoid mixing feathered pets with wild birds.
Copyright 2024 Hawaii News Now. All rights reserved.
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