Few U.S. adults have received vaccines against H1N1 influenza, COVID-19, and RSV, even in nursing homes.
Two new studies in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report This fall, it highlights low vaccination rates for influenza, COVID-19, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) among U.S. adults, including those in nursing homes.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends that everyone six months of age and older receive an up-to-date COVID-19 vaccine and annual influenza vaccine. Masu. It also recommends that all nursing home residents over the age of 60 receive the RSV vaccine once in their lifetime.
35% and 18% have received influenza and coronavirus vaccinations
first of all studyCDC researchers looked at data from the National Immunization Survey Adult COVID-19 Module, a randomized telephone survey tracking influenza, COVID-19, and RSV vaccination status among U.S. adults in early November. Analyzed. The team also interviewed unvaccinated participants about their intentions to get vaccinated.
By November 9, 34.7% of adults reported having received an influenza vaccine and 17.9% had received the latest COVID-19 vaccine for the 2024-2025 respiratory virus season. reported. A total of 39.7% of adults aged 75 years and older and 31.6% of adults aged 60 to 74 years, who are at high risk for severe RSV, had received RSV vaccination.
Uptake rates varied by jurisdiction and demographic characteristics, and were lowest among young people and those without health insurance.
Health care providers and immunization programs still have time to scale up distribution efforts and accelerate vaccinations to expand coverage in preparation for the height of the respiratory virus season.
Despite low vaccination rates, 35% of adults say they are definitely, likely, or unsure about getting a flu vaccine, and 41% say the same about a coronavirus vaccine. This means that vaccination is not excluded. Forty percent of adults aged 75 and older reported that they would definitely, probably, or not sure whether to get the RSV vaccine.
The proportion of respondents who said they probably would not get vaccinated was highest for COVID-19 (41.6%) and lowest for RSV (20.3% for those 75 years and older and 14.8% for those 60 to 74 years old). . .
By comparison, influenza vaccination rates this season were 0.9 percentage points higher than during the same period in 2023-24 (34.7% vs. 33.8%) and 3.7 percentage points higher among people 65 and older (58.6% vs. 54.9%).
Similarly, COVID-19 vaccination rates are 4.7 percentage points higher this season (17.9%) than in the 2023-24 season (13.2%) and 13.7 percentage points among people 65 and older. (38.5% vs. 24.8%).
RSV vaccination rates increased from the end of June 2024, when ACIP first recommended single-dose RSV vaccination for older adults, to November 9, 2024. Vaccination rates increased by 9.6 percentage points among adults aged 75 and older (from 30.1% to 39.7%) and by 8.7 percentage points among those aged 60 to 74 (from 22.9% to 31.6%).
“Health care providers and immunization programs still have time to scale up distribution efforts and promote vaccination coverage to prepare for the height of the respiratory virus outbreak,” the study authors wrote. . “Using these data, health care providers and immunization programs can identify undervaccinated populations, understand vaccination patterns, and guide the planning, implementation, and evaluation of vaccination efforts. You can.”
COVID-19 vaccine uptake rate in nursing homes is extremely low
Regarding the second time studyCDC researchers used the same survey to assess vaccine uptake among nursing home residents.
As of Nov. 10, 29.7% of nursing home residents had received the latest COVID-19 vaccination. Among nursing home residents who chose to report vaccination for influenza (59.4%) and RSV (51.8%), 58.4% had received influenza vaccine and 17.9% had received RSV vaccination. I was receiving it.
COVID-19 vaccination rates range from 19.8% in Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas to 19.8% in Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming. This amounted to 38.6%. COVID-19 vaccination rates were highest in the most socially vulnerable counties (33.6%) and small facilities (34.7%), and lowest in large facilities (28.0%).
More efforts are needed at all levels to protect nursing home residents, one of the population groups at highest risk of severe respiratory disease.
Influenza vaccination rates ranged from 50.9% in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington to 64.1% in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Influenza vaccination rates were highest in the most socially vulnerable counties (60.8%) and small facilities (62.9%) and lowest in large facilities (56.7%).
RSV vaccination rates rose from 9.3% in Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas to 29.2% in Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming. It reached. RSV vaccination rates were highest in the most socially vulnerable counties (21.3%) and small facilities (24.1%) and in the most socially vulnerable counties (15.3%) and large facilities (15.9%). It was the lowest.
By November 12, 2023, 24.0% of nursing home residents will have received a COVID-19 vaccine, 68.3% will have received an influenza vaccine, and 6.7% will have received an RSV vaccine. was receiving.
“For both the 2023-24 respiratory virus season and the previous 2024-25 season, vaccination rates for all three vaccines were highest in small nursing homes and assisted living facilities in North Dakota and South Dakota. Small facility staff “This suggests that a person may be infected.” To better build trust with residents and families, reduce barriers to vaccination, and build strong relationships between stakeholders. The state's efforts have been effective, the researchers wrote.
“The CDC and other federal agencies have programs in place to address both financial and vaccine hesitancy-related barriers to vaccination in nursing homes, but one population group in nursing homes “More needs to be done at all levels to protect care home residents, who are at the highest risk of severe respiratory illness,” they concluded.
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