Small things you can do to eat healthy and exercise while traveling on holiday
Editor's note: One Small Thing is a new series that helps you take simple steps toward healthy, impactful goals. Try this and you'll be on the right track.
While visiting her in-laws over the holidays, Dana Santas and her husband kept to a schedule and went to the gym every day.
“They're on a dairy farm in the middle of nowhere in Wisconsin,” said Santas, a CNN fitness contributor and mind-body coach for professional athletes. “We would drive 35 minutes to the gym, spend an hour at the gym, then drive another 35 minutes back.”
It can be difficult to feel good and maintain habits that promote good health during the holidays. This is especially true when traveling to see loved ones. How can I leave a board game to work out? How can I say no to Grandma's legendary cookies when I've already had pie?
You probably shouldn't do either, experts say.
While it's important to continue doing things that make you feel good during the holidays, Santas say it's a waste to give up all the joy of the season.
“We felt great about fitness, but we only see them maybe three times a year at most,” she said. “His mother has passed away (now). I wish he could have those times in the gym back.”
The answer may be to let go of the expectations of eating and exercising normally and instead do one small thing to continue your good habits. In this case, you can add some healthy small habits to your holiday celebrations.
Feeling guilty about neglecting your exercise routine or not sticking to a strict schedule can keep you from enjoying the holiday season.
But it's important to stick to healthy behaviors to feel better, says Natalie Mocari, a nutritionist in Charlotte, North Carolina. Lack of fiber and protein in your diet can affect your digestion and energy levels, which can make you enjoy your holidays less.
Still, Mokali said it's also important to eat what you like, share family recipes and be flexible while being with loved ones.
Being too strict about what you can and cannot eat can have the opposite effect. She added that we often end up overeating things we have labeled taboo.
“When we set boundaries around food, we crave it more,” Mokali says.
The guilt you feel for straying from your healthy habits (which may not be possible while traveling or on vacation) can also cause you to abandon your efforts to feel better, Santa says.
Instead of focusing on how little you've traveled or how few vegetables you've eaten, she says, celebrate the ways you can incorporate healthy habits while enjoying your time on vacation. Ta.
“It doesn't mean letting go of being healthy, but it does mean letting go of[rigorous habits]and letting go of the guilt that comes with it. Otherwise, you're sabotaging yourself.” “That's all,” said the Santas.
Enjoy Christmas cookies by adding fruits and vegetables
If you want to feel better after your holiday meal, Mokali says, instead of cutting back on delicious foods, just add a little more fruits and vegetables.
She added that traveling to visit family and friends for the holidays means you often don't have complete control over your food choices, as you're going to restaurants and eating at other people's homes.
Look at a restaurant's menu, order something that sounds good to you, and enjoy, Mokali said.
“Also, is there an option to add veggies, like a side salad where you add veggies?” she said. “Adding lettuce, tomato, and avocado to a sandwich or beans to a taco are different things you can do to add nutrients and fiber.”
You can mix and match foods and drinks to ensure you have fun holiday food and drinks, as well as something nutritious. For example, when you drink a caffeinated or alcoholic beverage, be sure to also order a glass of water, Mokali says.
Similarly, if you're on a road trip, it doesn't hurt to have your favorite car snacks with you. If you want to stay in a good mood, consider adding some fruit, she said.
To eat more vegetables when you're at someone's house, Mokali said you can always buy some at the store or make a side dish for them, such as fall vegetables or salads.
To avoid overeating, keep in mind what you want to eat most and keep an eye on how full you are to avoid discomfort, she says.
But don't spend too much time thinking about the ratio of holiday favorites to nutritious foods, she added. The most important thing is to enjoy your vacation with your loved ones.
“One meal, several meals, several desserts — it's not a make-or-break situation for your health,” Mokali says.
Staying physically active during the holidays means you don't have to break a sweat or quit your congregation, Santa and others say.
“All the movement that you get at this time of year is so great, it's almost like gravy, because most of us just say, 'Okay, well, the rigid routine that we always do is 'Because I can't,' I'm not going to do anything,' she said.
Traveling takes a toll on your body. Therefore, body stiffness, prolonged sitting, and movements that relieve pain are helpful.
“Whenever you can, stand up and move in the way your body intuitively tells you to. That might be a long stretch, a rotation, or a squat. Move your body, reconnect with your body, and move in the way your body intuitively tells you to. It's like getting a feel for what people need,” she said. “Don't wait until you're back in the gym to give yourself what you need.”
If necessary, stand up and change your position when playing games or having a long chat with your family. Or tell everyone to get dressed and go outside for a walk, she said.
“Sometimes it's a 10-minute walk in the cool, crisp air,” the Santas added. “If you have a chance to take a little movement break.”
easy mobility exercises She said it helps prevent injuries. Feel free to stretch or lie down on the floor while watching a movie with your loved one?
To take the activity up a notch without overdoing it, Santa recommends bringing simple tools for simple activities. For example, she said, resistance bands are easy to carry and worn around your ankles or just above your knees, allowing you to train while walking widely back and forth.
Finally, Santa suggests playing.
“Exercise doesn't have to be a chore. It can be fun,” she said. “Remember when we were kids, exercise was fun. That's when we went outside and played.”
Notice what kids do at holiday gatherings. Can you try out their new dance moves or join them in a game of tag or hide-and-seek?
“Please take this opportunity to play with your family,” the Santas said.
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