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Physical Therapist Ed Voss: How to keep your body in shape through the harsh winter months

Physical Therapist Ed Voss: How to keep your body in shape through the harsh winter months


As winter approaches, the weather gets colder, the days get shorter, and it can be tempting to stay indoors.

After a hard day's work, you may want to calm down and unwind, but maintaining your exercise level during the winter months is extremely important for our physical and mental health. As a physical therapist specializing in sports injuries, here are my top three tips on how to stay active, prevent injuries, and make the most of the cold season.

  1. adjust your routine:

For many of us, going out on a cold, dark, and sometimes rainy night is pretty unappealing. So try to see this as an opportunity to explore something different, like strength training, yoga, or Pilates. These activities can be done indoors and in the comfort of your own home and can help build muscle strength, support joint health, and improve flexibility, all of which contribute to reducing your risk of injury. I will.

  1. Warm up thoroughly:

Cold temperatures can make your muscles and joints feel stiffer, increasing your risk of strains and sprains. Before you head out, take the time to perform a dynamic warm-up. It can also be done indoors. Simple exercises like leg swings, arm rotations, bodyweight squats, and lunges can prepare your body for activity by increasing blood flow to your muscles and moving your joints. In this regard, it is also important to remember that once warmed up, it stays warm. Please dress appropriately for the conditions and be prepared for changing weather conditions.

  1. stay hydrated: It's easy to forget to stay hydrated in the winter, but your body needs plenty of water to function optimally. Remember to drink water regularly, even if you don't feel thirsty during your activity, as dehydration can lead to decreased performance and increased risk of injury. Adequate hydration is also essential for good recovery after exercise, so make it a habit to drink plenty of water when you're done.

Consistency is the key to achieving your fitness and health goals. Stay active this winter. This will help you feel better, have more energy levels, and be ready to spend more time outdoors and being active when spring comes.

Ed Voss

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Ed Voss

Ed graduated from the University of Birmingham in 2009 with a Master's degree in Physiotherapy.

He is a HCPC and CSP registered physiotherapist and has worked in the NHS, private practices and the sporting world in the UK and New Zealand. I now specialize in people over the age of 50 who value their health and want to stay healthy. Stay active for as long as possible.

In his spare time, you can find Ed spending time with his wife and two children, running local trails with his dog, and if he's lucky, hitting the golf course.

Ed grew up in Stroud, the son of a local GP, and knows and loves the local community of the Five Valleys and beyond. Ed considers it a great privilege to be able to give back to the people of this wonderful part of the world.

Click to visit Ed's website for more information. here or email: [email protected] phone: 07542 940478




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