Vaping products can cause a variety of harm to the respiratory tract. Today's Rowan

Nearly a decade after the first e-cigarettes hit the market, researchers have found that inhaling the nicotine-containing vapor from these e-cigarettes is less dangerous than smoking traditional cigarettes. has been proven. But that doesn't mean e-cigarettes or other types of vaping are safe.
Not only do additives such as fragrances and solvents pose health concerns, but the process of evaporating the liquid in the device creates a number of new chemicals, some of which are known to be harmful to health. There are some chemicals that are present.
“The question then is: How toxic is vaping to our tissues? And what are the signs that someone is experiencing this toxicity? Do you have it?” VIncent Manaassistant professor in the Rowan Virtua School of Translational Biomedical Engineering and Science. Virtua Health University of Medicine and Life Sciences.
Mana's research on e-cigarettes was born out of a project on a different topic, and was undertaken as a graduate student at the request of the late Sal Caradonna, a professor in the same department. Caradonna asked Manna to study a protein called cyclin O, which is produced by a particular type of cell that lines the body's airways. Through her reading, Mana learned that it was possible to generate entire tissues that continued these cells in a culture dish.
“I started having ideas in my head about how this tissue could be used for research,” Mana said.
He was inspired to develop method It is meant to grow fully functional pieces of airway tissue, roughly the size of a penny, from cells collected by scouring the inside of a donor's nose.
After he and Caradonna discuss outbreaks of pneumonia-like illnesses caused by e-cigarettes, peaked in 2019Manna decided to study the effects of e-cigarettes. To expose airway tissue to vapor, he designed his own e-cig simulator, which he and Caradonna patented through Rowan. The tissue sample is located in a well at the bottom of a sealed compartment. One fan sucks the steam through the top hole. Then blow out the steam, mimicking inhalation and exhalation.
In a recent study published in in vitro toxicology With a grant from the New Jersey Health Foundation, Manna and his team used this device to compare the effectiveness of vaping solvents. The first is vitamin E acetate, a solvent used to dissolve marijuana's THC, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has claimed is responsible for the illnesses caused by vaping. Researchers found that vitamin E acetate quickly recondenses on tissues, forming oil droplets that collect in the lungs and can cause pneumonia-like symptoms.
Solvents from nicotine-containing e-cigarettes, on the other hand, did not recondense, but appeared to cause a reduction in certain cells within the tissue.
In the future, Mana hopes to compare the toxicity of different e-cigarette products by examining gene expression and proteins in tissue samples. In the long term, he hopes to identify markers that indicate whether e-cigarettes are causing significant damage to the airways. Additional funding from the New Jersey Health Foundation supported this research.
After Caradonna's sudden death last summer, administrators invited Mana, then a postdoc, to stay on as an assistant professor. Manna has since hired four medical student researchers to work in the lab.
“There was a high level of support, community, and excitement from the students to the department chair that really made me want to stay and continue my research here,” Mana said.
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