Lack of childcare is serious across the state
As a result, the chairman this week told members of the Massachusetts Early Education and Care Board that childcare capacity could decline this fall, especially in certain areas. Metro Boston expects to lose one-third of its childcare capacity, 35% in western Massachusetts.
Some members of the board, including Secretary of Education James Pizer, Governor Charlie Baker’s chief education counsel, were furious with that number. Several board members called for urgent leadership and coordination between institutions and within the community.
At a meeting on Tuesday of the Commission, member Joan Wasser Gish said, “There seems to be an assumption that local institutions and childcare facilities will be available.” “I’m worried that the real risk of family matters collapsing when assumptions aren’t really tied to reality on the ground and there is much less coordinated coordination at the state as well as the local level. Is there.”
Nonny K. Resor, Chairman of the Board further added: “Lens need to look to children, families, directors, safety, and significantly reduce learning losses. We, as states, now really need to think about children’s eyes.”
Even after being allowed to reopen in late June, childcare providers are struggling, especially in centers where new restrictions limit classroom numbers and potential income. The federal government has approved a modest bail-out for childcare programs dating back to March, but Massachusetts caregivers have not yet received anything. The money was seized by the state’s budget process, and the department reserved it for a center that served poor and vulnerable children.
Some centers are also trying to make room for kindergarten and school-age children, for families with children of various ages. But the department does not allow it. For example, the owners of two daycare facilities that deal with infants to preschoolers said there were 11 school-age children among the families she provided. If their children’s school gets them back only two days a week, their parents will need to look after them on other days as well. If that doesn’t work and parents have to stay home with all their children, not only the income of the family, but also the income of the seven teachers and administrators waiting for the care of the youngest in daycare. Jeopardize
Board member Mary E. Wallakey has begun to reach out to local leaders and educators, such as Springfield, for this data to inspire her and prepare her parents for the loss of options. I said. Many families have children in a wide range of ages, from infants to primary school, school plans are still ambiguous, and they quickly coordinate care, after-school care, and even educational assistance to get back to work. You may have to work on it.
“In reality, we will need more than this institution can do,” Gish added. “The need is vast and urgent.”
However, even though the Board has submitted clarifying data about daycare, the Committee has withheld other information about COVID cases appearing in these centers. of Earth reported on Tuesday The department refused to reveal data on coronavirus cases at an emergency nursery that remained open from March to June. The ministry revealed a total of 64 cases during that period, but could not pinpoint where they occurred and could indicate whether the infection had spread within a particular center.
Globe has appealed to the decision of the department Report to state supervisors seeking more recent data on COVID cases reported by day care centers. Some childcare providers have also sought to assess the risk of resumption, but have requested recent data on cases of coronavirus, but said they have been ignored by the state.
“I want proof. I want to be data-driven,” said Brittalyzer, director of Sudbury Cooperative Kindergarten, and will resume on September 14. “If health and safety measures work, my passion and my dedication are family and children. I show up at work, take care of them and love them. But when it works I don’t know if it’s there, it’s more than a fault for me.
She called her “not conscientious” that the state did not release data that might be beneficial to the management of coronaviruses in daycare, and many of her associates demanded it individually or for groups. I said that.
Martha Christenson Reeds, head of a Northampton nursery, failed twice to request information through a website she imposed, she said. Resume feedback..
Early educator Daniel Gonzalez said he requested data in June through a request for a public record, but didn’t get a response. Tuesday, he Online petition This quickly gathered 500 signatures requesting the publication of data on coronavirus cases at the childcare center.
The petition notes that the information is being requested by a supplementary budget recently signed by Governor Charlie Baker.
“We know that the data is being collected but not released,” the petition states. “This puts children, families, teachers and providers at risk.”
“They are pushing us to resume,” Gonzalez said, “everyone wants to return to normal. “We just want the data as we know it.”
But there are many concerns. One caregiver who discussed the condition of anonymity had to close for 14 days after some staff were positive for coronavirus, despite all the health precautions she had established. did. She said no children tested positive.
“I’m not doing anything wrong. I won’t let my parents go inside,” she said. “I don’t know what other precautions I could have taken.”
Stephanie Evert can be reached at [email protected].. Follow her on Twitter Azuki
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