Coronavirus: Students at Mount Albert Grammar School Positive for Covid-19
Students at the Mount Albert Grammar School in Auckland Coronavirus..
News continues Four families with a positive Covid-19 reaction Navigate community and country vigilance levels.
Wednesday on Auckland Warning level 3 While the rest of the country was put in Warning level 2..
The Auckland Regional Public Health Service (ARPHS) said close contact with about 100 students was confirmed at the school.
read more:
* Coronavirus: Everything We Know About Auckland’s Case of Community Infection
* Coronavirus: Auckland schools support life under a Level 3 alert blockade
* Coronavirus: Mount Albert Primary in Auckland Associated with Confirmed Covid-19 Cases
On Monday, letters were sent to all students and staff in the five classes the students attended.
These students and staff must enter into self-separation.
“Students were asymptomatic on that day, but then fell ill and tested positive for Covid-19 yesterday,” said an ARPHS spokesperson.
“The entire school community has been sent a letter asking all students and staff who are not in close contact to be alert to their symptoms and to check for illness.”
ARPHS says the risk to the majority of school students and staff is low.
“Some would have been exposed to the virus for a very short period of time, and most would not have been exposed at all.
“There will be great concern among family and staff, but this service encourages people with Covid-19 symptoms to be tested at this stage. To discuss the test, contact Healthline at 0800 358 5453. Need to call.”
According to ARPHS, Principal Patrick Drumm said the school is still open to students of essential workers.
“We were able to identify the most at risk students in our student class, and they are all encouraged to stay home for 14 days,” Drum said.
“Because of privacy concerns, the school does not give parents or staff members intimate student names, classes, or year levels.”
Dr. Ashley Bloomfield, director of the Department of Health, confirmed that the students were in close contact with four existing cases in southern Auckland.
However, Newstalk ZBBloomfield was not convinced that the student was one of four cases that health officials were investigating Wednesday afternoon.
“This is a serious business and it’s great that these people are self-isolated and tested,” he said.
on Wednesday, staff Reported near Mount Albert Elementary School I told the community that one of my students lived in the same household where they were virus positive.
A letter from ARPHS dated 11 August reported a positive reaction to the community at Mount Albert Primary School.
“Children at Mount Albert Elementary School live in households where a large number of people are confirmed at Covid-19,” the letter reads.
An ARPHS spokesperson said the child went to school this week, but tested negative and had no symptoms.
“Children are not currently considered to have Covid-19, but our nurses check their health every day and recheck if necessary. Not considered as a close contact.
ARPHS said it would work with the school in the event of a student litigation, while the service continues its investigation.
Principal Marian Caulfield plans to seek public health advice before deciding whether to reopen on Monday, which also depends on alert levels.
Caulfield said staff She wanted the “best” for her ill family.
“We are instructed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and are taking all necessary precautions.”
Family members who test positive for Covid-19 have no history of overseas travel.
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