Whooping cough cases are on the rise: why and what to do | News and Stories

In the US, cases of whooping cough are increasing in both Vermont and New Hampshire Report more cases than this time last year.
Pertussis – More formally known as “whooping cough.” whooping cough-It is a highly contagious bacterial infection that affects the respiratory system. symptoms You may hear a “whooshing” sound when you gasp for air after a coughing attack.
The disease can have serious effects on the respiratory system, but doctors say vaccination can help stop the spread.
“This disease is serious, vaccine-preventable, and families can make decisions that support better health outcomes.” Dr. Geraldine RubinDartmouth Health Pediatrician Cheshire Medical Center.
Infection rate returns to pre-COVID-19 levels
Rubin said the rise in cases reflects a worrying broader trend.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that infection rates nationwide are starting to rise. Return to pre-pandemic patterns Typically, more than 10,000 cases were reported each year.
The decline in infection rates during the pandemic is believed to be partially due to practices such as masks and distance learning.
But Rubin and others argue that declining vaccination rates are playing a role in the resurgence of whooping cough.
“We've lost the historical perspective that pertussis was once a serious disease that could lead to apnea, pneumonia and even death in infants,” she says.
Concerns are growing
Health experts across the United States are also sounding the alarm.
Last weekend, former U.S. FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, I wrote to X (Formerly Twitter) “There are more than 4 times as many pertussis cases in the United States compared to last year.''
In the post, Gottlieb pointed to comments from September, NBC News by Dr. Tina Tanthen the president-elect of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, said, “Since the coronavirus pandemic, more people are hesitant to get vaccinated, leading to outbreaks among unvaccinated children.'' “I can see that.”
Vaccination provides the best protection
The CDC recommends: get vaccinated.
The federal agency points to historical data such as: show Before the pertussis vaccine became available in the 1940s, public health experts reported more than 200,000 pertussis cases annually.
However, since the introduction of the diphtheria, tetanus toxoid, and whole-cell pertussis (DTaP) vaccine in 1948, the number of cases each year has decreased by more than 90% compared to the pre-vaccine era.
What you need to know about family vaccinations
Anyone can get whooping cough, but unvaccinated children and infants whose mothers did not receive the Tdap vaccine are at the highest risk of complications and death, Rubin said.
Older people are also more likely to develop serious illness after infection. That's why it's important for everyone to know whether they need the vaccine or plan to get a booster shot.
“You need to check your family's vaccination status,” Rubin says. “Talk to your pediatrician and look at your medical records.”
CDC provides: These guidelines For DTap for children under 7 years of age. The CDC also notes that different vaccines for tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap and Td) are available for older children, adolescents, and adults.
Learn more about whooping cough
You can also stay aware of symptoms and proactively respond if you suspect you or a loved one has been infected.
According to CDCearly symptoms may look like a cold. Symptoms include a runny or stuffy nose, a low-grade fever, and an occasional mild cough. Babies and young children may not cough, but they may have apnea or difficulty breathing.
In older children and adults, a persistent cough may develop into a coughing attack 1 to 2 weeks after the first symptoms begin. The CDC says a coughing fit can cause symptoms such as:
- Making a high-pitched whistling sound when breathing in after coughing
- Vomiting during or after a coughing attack
- I feel very tired after the fit, but I usually look fine during the fit
- can't sleep at night
- difficulty breathing
- fracture (fracture) a rib
To protect yourself and your loved ones, stay away from people you know are infected. This disease is state reportable, so schools and other organizations must notify you if you or your child becomes infected.
If you are sick or have a fever, practice hand washing and stay home. If you are concerned, please consult your health care provider.
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