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34 prisoners in local prison test positive for COVID-19 | Coronavirus



The Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office reported Wednesday that an outbreak of coronavirus was found in Bonneville County Jail.

According to Sheriff Paul Wilde, 34 of the 35 prisoners living in the only unit tested, the Housing Unit, were virus positive. The first case was found Friday in a quarantined inmate who reported symptoms.

Dr. Jeff Keller, medical director of Bonneville County Jail, said the rest of the unit was tested on Monday, with results obtained Tuesday night.

“The agents and medical staff will continue to monitor the detainees in this particular dwelling and properly treat and quarantine them with preventive measures to minimize the potential for expansion to other parts of the prison,” Wild said. Said at a news conference held on Wednesday.

Outbreak will come later Several prison inmates from the same dwelling unit contacted Post Register They said they feared the virus was already in jail. Two of the prisoners said they were required to be tested after they showed symptoms, but were denied by prison.

Cody Rodmer and Robert Ballard said they and some other inmates were told that no tests were available before the virus was found in prison. They both told the post register Wednesday that they were among the inmates who tested positive for the virus.

According to Keller, all inmates in the dwelling reported being asymptomatic, including inmates who were originally quarantined. One inmate found negative was removed from the unit.

Keller said other housing units will be tested.

Bonneville County Jail has been contacting Eastern Idaho Public Health regularly since March to ensure that the facility complies with CDC guidelines for testing.

Prison director Brian Covert told the postal register about his prison status on Friday. According to Covert and Keller, prisoners in prison have been quarantined for 14 days. After that, they are allowed to enter the general population.

Inmates showing symptoms are quarantined in the quarantine room. Covert said Thursday that there were five inmates in the quarantine due to viral symptoms.

In addition to 34 detainees who were virus positive, Wilde reported that three staff were virus positive in the past month.

One was the first sergeant to test positive three to four weeks ago. Wild said the sergeant had since recovered and was working in prison.

The other two employees are recovering after being tested positive for virus.

According to Wild, prison officials wear masks at work. However, he confirmed that the staff moved between multiple residential units during the work.

Covert and Keller talked about the difficulty of containing the virus in prison. According to Keller, the outbreak was “unavoidable” within a week before the first positive case was detected.

Prisons and prisons were the main concern during the outbreak, as prisoners were so close to each other that they lived together. The Idaho Department of Corrections blocked transportation of detainees from facility to facility to facility after the outbreak at the Idaho State Correction Center.

According to Mr Wild, the shipments are expected to begin this Friday, but the incident prevented prisons from transporting prisoners to other facilities.

“I definitely want to emphasize that this is a professionally run facility,” said Wilde, who said he had masked prisons since the outbreak began to prevent the spread of the virus. Added.

“I’m not forgetting anyone,” Wild added. “They are all humans. They are all taken care of.”


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