California suspends company's raw milk sales after new outbreak of bird flu
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California State officials stopped companies from selling raw food milk to retailers Concerns about bird flu continue.
Law Farm in Fresno was blocked from selling raw milk. As of Thursday, raw milk products are being distributed., Los Angeles Times Reported. However, the newspaper said products already on shelves could still be sold.
independent person Raw Farm has been contacted for comment.
On Sunday, the state Department of Public Health warned residents not to drink cream-top, whole, raw milk from Fresno County's Law Farm LLC. advised consumers to return the product to the place of purchase;. Raw Farm LLC has announced a voluntary recall of affected lot code 20241109.
A raw farm batch bottled on Nov. 9 was also recalled. times Reported.
Suspension of sales amid contradictions bird flu This month's test results. County public health officials found avian influenza in store-bought raw milk, but state officials were unable to find the virus in bulk testing. times I will report it. On Wednesday, authorities halted sales after new tests of raw produce came back positive.
Mark McAfee, owner of Law Farm, said: times He says his cows are indeed infected with the H5N1 avian influenza virus. But he said he didn't realize it until this week because the cows “are so healthy that they don't show the typical signs and symptoms.”
The suspension of sales comes as the number of people infected with the dangerous H5N1 bird flu is increasing across the country.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 55 As of Friday, there were active cases in seven states. The majority of infections have occurred in California.
The agency reported First U.S. child infected with avian influenza H5 virus last week. The child's condition is not yet known.
The increase in bird flu is as follows Robert F. Kennedy Jr.named by President-elect Donald Trump to head the Department of Health and Human Services, continues to promote raw food consumption. milk. President Kennedy pledged that what he characterized as the “aggressive suppression” of raw milk would soon end, making clear: drink raw milk.
Scientists have warned in recent days that the virus may be more widespread than previously thought..
“We are virus soup. So the virus is all around us right now,” said Dr. Marcella Woohart, a wildlife veterinarian at Cal Davis' One Health Institute. earlier this month. “This virus is widespread among mammals and birds, but as far as we know, some of them are not showing signs of disease.”
This virus spreads to humans through several routes. Farm workers can breathe in infected particles, pick up germs from sick animals or other surfaces, and touch their faces and eyes. Consumers can also become infected by drinking raw milk.
People who have not had contact with infected poultry or other sources of contamination are likely to be: Very low risk of infection. No infections have been reported from eating properly prepared poultry or poultry products or from handling poultry meat properly.
Report from Julia Musto
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