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U.S. and AC Health launch partnership to expand HIV services in the Philippines – Philippines

U.S. and AC Health launch partnership to expand HIV services in the Philippines – Philippines


Wednesday, November 27, 2024

On November 27, the U.S. government, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), launched a partnership with Ayala Healthcare Holdings (AC Health) to strengthen the private sector's role in stigma-free care and HIV saving. Services have become more accessible in the Philippines, one of the countries with the fastest-growing HIV infections in Asia.

With funding from the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the partnership will develop, test, and scale approaches to improve and scale up HIV care and prevention services in the Philippines, particularly through online healthcare. Focus on services and direct medical services. Administering important medications such as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). This medication, when taken on schedule, can help prevent the transmission of HIV.

This partnership reflects the United States' global commitment to partnering with private industry to accelerate progress in the fight against HIV. USAID and AC Health are working together to help more Filipinos access the services they need without fear or judgement, combating stigma and promoting “U=U” or “Undetectable, Don’t Send.” We will continue to spread the life-saving message of “Things”.

“The agreement we celebrate today leverages the power of collaboration and the resources and skills of the private sector to address the HIV epidemic,” said U.S. Ambassador to the Philippines Mary Kay Carlson in her remarks at the partnership announcement. It will become.” “As a partner in your prosperity, the United States remains committed to working together toward a future rooted in compassion, understanding, and improved access to health care for all.”

Under this partnership, AC Health will integrate its ecosystem, including the KonsultaMD telemedicine application, Generika drugstore chain, and Healthway Medical Network, into the regional HIV network to reach more Filipinos, especially those living with HIV and their We will continue to provide people with innovative HIV prevention solutions. Increased risk of infection.

AC Health will join qualified health service providers on the KonsultaMD platform to expand HIV awareness and screening services beyond health care facilities such as schools and workplaces, and to expand PrEP through import and distribution channels, IE Medica and IE Medica. and increase the commercial availability of other life-saving technologies. MedEthix and its generic drugstore chain.

For our part, USAID will support community engagement, provide technical assistance to Healthway medical networks, and implement private sector models for HIV service delivery. USAID will also coordinate with partners to train health care providers, share research, expand access to telehealth through KonsultaMD, and provide free HIV self-testing kits.

“Our mission at AC Health is to make high-quality, affordable healthcare available to more Filipinos.Through our partnership with USAID, Healthway Medical Network, Consulta MD, and Generic・Dedicated drugstore teams provide support to key people living with HIV. This collaboration brings us closer to closing the gap in HIV prevention and testing, ensuring these critical services reach more communities across the country. ” said AC Health Chairman Fernando Zobel de Ayala.

USAID and AC Health launched their partnership in advance of World AIDS Day on December 1st. This year's celebration, themed “Collective Action: Sustaining and Accelerating Progress on HIV,” emphasizes the importance of the public and private sectors, community organizations, and international partners coming together to accelerate progress on HIV. Create a comprehensive and effective response to HIV.

Since 2020, USAID has contributed more than 2 billion pesos ($34.7 million) to support the Philippines' HIV response through PEPFAR, making it one of the largest bilateral donors in this critical fight to save and improve lives. It has become.




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