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How much protein do I need per day?

How much protein do I need per day?


tire Did it swell? check. A water bottle? check. brake work? check. Post ride protein snack? If you haven't checked this off your list, please note the following: refueling strategy.

Whether you're training for a race or just going for a casual bike ride, protein should be part of every cyclist's meal plan, says Lauren Antonucci, RDN, certified expert in sports nutrition. says. nutritional energy speak in new york bicycle.

That's because physical activity destroys our bodies. muscle To restore them, protein. “Fitness is all about breaking down and rebuilding,” says registered dietitian Chris Newport. endurance edge Located in Cary, North Carolina.

What breakdown do you already know? recovery It feels like: pain; pain; fatigue. “If you don't have enough protein after a ride, recovery will be difficult,” says Antonucci, who is also the author of the book. High performance nutrition for masters athletes.

During post ride carbohydrates By refueling the body, “protein helps our bodies repair muscle damage and maximize what sports dietitians call 'muscle protein synthesis,'” she added. That is, how your body uses the protein in your food. train muscles.

Protein doesn't just support muscle building; Also required for: healthy bonesefficient metabolism, reduced risk high blood pressureAfter eating, you simply feel satisfied. In other words, this macronutrient not only supports athletic performance, but also daily life and health.

So how much protein do you need per day to get these benefits? Need more support after your workout? recovery and performance?We asked experts to break it down for you so you can get enough macronutrients to rebuild your muscles.?

How much protein do you need as a cyclist?

According to medical research institutethe Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein is approximately 0.36 grams per pound of body weight. However, given age and training, that recommendation is only minimal.

According to the USDA, the acceptable macronutrient distribution range for protein is 10 to 35 percent of total daily calories. The USDA typically uses 2000 calories per day as the primary example. This means that a person should aim for 200 to 700 calories of protein, or about 50 to 175 grams of protein, per day.

However, this is obviously a wide range and therefore provides a rough estimate of what a cyclist needs to eat each day.

Also, more active people need more protein. According to the International Association of Athletics Federations, athletes should consume between 0.7 and 1.1 grams of protein per pound of body weight to maintain muscle mass. This recommendation applies to both strength and endurance athletes. However, for more frequent, high-intensity training, the upper range applies.

Athletes aren't the only ones who need more macronutrients to support their muscles. Older adults may also benefit from increasing their intake. The average person begins to lose muscle mass around age 30. Therefore, even inactive people should consider increasing their protein intake as they age. Research shows that consuming more protein strength trainingcan fight Muscle loss associated with aging.

actual, 2022 nutrients This article suggests that older adults focus on a total protein intake of 0.7 to 0.8 grams per pound of body weight (or 1.6 to 1.8 grams per kilogram) per day to maintain muscle mass. Masu. But again, this is highly variable and depends on your daily activity level.

“It used to be that as we got older, we lost power and muscle,” Antonucci says. “Well, that’s all wrong. [Now we know]If you continue to train and eat enough protein (which turns out to be more than previously thought), you may be able to maintain a high percentage of muscle mass, power, and strength. ”

Fortunately, the USDA has an easy-to-use online database. Dietary Reference Intake Calculator Helps you understand your specific protein (and other nutrient) needs. At this point, the calculator will ask about your age and exercise habits.

How should I time my protein intake for maximum benefit?

The longer and more intense your ride, the more protein you will need to optimize your subsequent recovery. And you should aim to consume protein about 30 minutes to two hours after you finish pedaling, Newport says. Within that time frame, approximately 30 grams of protein ( carbohydrates! ).

While it's important to consume protein immediately after a workout to promote recovery and rebuild muscle, it's still important to consume protein throughout the day. According to USDAyou should aim for about 25 to 30 grams at each meal.

One more thing: morning protein intake. 2021 study Published in Frontiers of nutrition We found that consuming protein in the morning was more beneficial for muscle mass in older adults than consuming protein during the day or in the evening. The researchers theorized that metabolism may make better use of protein throughout the day. Also, prioritizing protein intake early in the day will help ensure you meet your overall daily goals.

What is the best protein source to meet your needs?

All these numbers about protein are only useful if we can replace them with the meals we want to eat. While you can still eat animal products such as turkey, chicken, beef, pork, and fish to fill you up, you can also eat vegetarian and vegan proteins such as beans, legumes, and combinations of plant foods and grains (such as rice). There are also options. Beans provide all the essential amino acids needed to make complete proteins).

These days, many experts say it's possible to get enough protein without eating animal products. In fact, the 2019 Responsible Medical Physicians Committee study was published in the journal. nutrients We found that plant-based proteins may be better for athletes as they also contain: fiber Complex carbohydrates to help replenish glycogenGives your muscles energy for riding.

If you're aiming to get about 25 to 30 grams of protein per meal, Newport suggests consuming a protein smoothie. greek yogurt (16 grams of protein per container) and protein powder (approximately 25 grams of protein per scoop), plus your favorite flavorful ingredients like bananas, greens, berries, or nut butters.

Overnight oats are also an option, Antonucci says. 1 cup oats Contains about 11 grams of protein, plus add nuts like almonds (5 grams of protein per 1/4 cup sliced), or peanut butter (7 grams of protein per 2 tablespoons), chia seeds (5 grams of protein per 1 ounce), and milk (4 grams of protein per 1/2 cup) can also help you get enough of your macronutrients.

To count your daily protein intake, you can use apps like: My macro or USDA List of protein foods. However, Antonucci says there's no need to get hung up on this. Instead, look at the big picture of making sure you get protein in every meal and snack.




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