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Study finds walking can extend lifespan by 11 years

Study finds walking can extend lifespan by 11 years


  • Walking for a certain amount of time each day may extend your lifespan, a new study has found.
  • Scientists have found that if everyone increased their daily activity to 160 minutes, they could increase their life expectancy by five years.
  • Experts explain how walking can benefit your health.

Advantages of walk Heart health, sleep quality, and improved mood are just some of the benefits of walking. Now, new research has found that walking, specifically walking at 3 miles per hour for 160 minutes a day, can add more than 10 years to your life.

Research published in British Journal of Sports Medicine We analyzed data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) for U.S. adults aged 40 and older. Participants wore the activity tracker for at least 4 days. The researchers then created a mathematical model to predict how different levels of physical activity affect lifespan.

By comparing the most and least active participants, researchers found that those who were more physically active tended to have the longest life expectancy. Specifically, they found that 25 percent of the most active people in the study walked at 3 miles per hour for 160 minutes each day. Based on this, the researchers estimated that if everyone increased their level of activity to this level, life expectancy could increase by more than five years, from 78.6 to 84 years.

However, they found that being in the bottom 25% of activity levels reduced life expectancy by about six years. Still, if these less active people logged an additional 111 minutes of walking each day, they would likely experience even greater benefits and potentially live nearly 11 years longer.

This study confirms what we've known for a long time: Staying active, even by something as simple as walking, can significantly extend your lifespan. Adedapo Iluyomade, Marylanda preventive cardiologist at Baptist Health Miami Heart and Vascular Institute. “For people who are not currently very active, just adding an hour of walking a day can have a measurable effect on your lifespan, potentially extending your lifespan.” [of life] for every hour of walking. ”

Walking is one of the most accessible physical activities with far-reaching benefits, Dr. Iluomade continues. “It helps improve cardiovascular health, lower blood pressure and maintain a healthy weight. It also supports mental health. reduce stress And it lifts your mood. '' Walking regularly also reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some cancers, he added.

This study promotes the importance of an active lifestyle over a sedentary one, says internist Alisha Goodrum, MD. plush care. “While socio-economic status and underlying health affect activity levels, walking is an inexpensive physical activity that is beneficial for everyone.”


The key takeaway from this new study is that even small, sustained increases in physical activity, such as walking, can have a big impact on health and longevity, Dr. Iluyomade says. “These findings highlight how accessible and effective walking can be, especially for people who are daunted by the idea of ​​doing strenuous exercise.” It's a powerful reminder that by investing in , you can add meaningful time to your life tomorrow, he points out.

Dr. Goodrum says you can increase the amount of walking you do each day by making small changes. “This includes parking your car further away from store entrances and using the stairs instead of the elevator. Instead of carving out time for a long workout, take a few minutes a day. You can also take multiple walks.'' Walking is not a sedentary activity, but a great way to be with others, socialize with family and neighbors, and catch up. The perfect activity, she suggests.

According to Dr. Iluyomade, walking is something that anyone can do, regardless of their fitness level or age. “Start where you are, whether it's a five-minute walk or a longer hike. Over time, you'll notice not only the physical benefits, but also how walking increases your mental clarity and energy. ”Consistency is key. He explains that every step is important to living a longer, healthier life.

Madeline Haase headshot

Madeleine preventionAn associate editor at , she has a background in health writing from her time as an editorial assistant at WebMD and her personal research in college. She graduated from the University of Michigan with a degree in biopsychology, cognition, and neuroscience, and helps people develop strategies for success in any field. preventionsocial media platforms.




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