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Bird flu: MPI is confident we have resources in case the outbreak spreads further

Bird flu: MPI is confident we have resources in case the outbreak spreads further


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  • There have been no cases of infection at Moeraki Farm yet.
  • Investigation underway at Dunedin farm
  • The Dunedin farm is not linked to the six farms initially identified as being at risk.

The Department for Primary Industries is confident it has the necessary resources in the event of a further outbreak of bird flu.

On Thursday, MPI announced that ongoing testing shows no signs of disease at other farms operated by Mainland Poultry.

of H7N6 strain discovered at Moeraki farma highly pathogenic strain of avian influenza was detected in two of the four sheds.

Samples from a small free-range chicken farm near Dunedin not owned by Mainland Poultry are expected to be taken on Thursday or Friday, but the farm remains under restrictions.

Around 1,000 samples were received for testing at the laboratory in Wallaceville, Upper Hutt.

But as we wait to see if the second farm is infected with the virus, one conservation biologist said the logistics of free-range farms mean there are big risks.

Diane Brunton, a conservation biologist at the University of Auckland, said she wouldn't be surprised if infections were found there.

“So this is incredibly contagious and without knowing all of that, without knowing the details of the farm practices, like who's going where, how the eggs are being collected and moved, and all that, we can't do it at this point. I can't say they aren't related.”

Blanton said further spread of the virus is possible.

The government is confident it can eradicate the highly pathogenic avian influenza found at Hillgrove Egg Farm in Otago.

Infected Hillgrove egg farm with mainland poultry.
photograph: Provided by / Otago Daily Times

“I would not be at all surprised if this virus was detected on many other farms in the region. It is very contagious, so these connections and connections could be very small connections. I know there is.

“So knowing those connections would be kind of the answer to understanding how this thing works.”

It is believed that laying hens on an Otago farm that were foraging outdoors were infected with the H7N6 strain via a low pathogenic virus from wild waterfowl.

But Blanton said that while wild birds could transmit less pathogenic forms, free-range poultry farms with large numbers of birds could act like incubators.

“While free-ranging is great because it cares about the welfare of the birds, it still concentrates tens of thousands of birds in a very unnatural way.

“And these birds all have fairly low genetic diversity, they're all the same type of bird, they're all the same breed, so this is the perfect incubator,” Brunton said.

The culling of 80,000 birds from the Moeraki site continued on Thursday using CO2 canned gas.

Mainland Poultry Chief Executive Officer John McKay said the carcasses were being moved to a secure landfill.

“We are also disposing of all materials on site including fertilizer, leisure equipment, eggs and personal protective equipment.

“All of this material has been transported via secure trucks to a maximum security landfill in Southland, and that work is continuing,” Mr McKay said.

MPI Director Ray Smith spoke out on December 2 about the discovery of the country's first case of highly pathogenic avian influenza at an egg farm in Otago.

MPI Executive Director Ray Smith.
photograph: RNZ / Samuel Rylston

MPI Director-General Ray Smith appeared before the select committee on Thursday and assured MPI that it had the resources in the event of further outbreaks of bird flu.

“What I am happy about is that we are able to organize and activate all of our employees and manage workloads as needed at this time.

“Look, if this spreads and infects many farms all at once, another mode will start to emerge.”

Mr Smith said compensation for affected farmers was currently being considered.

Testing will continue in the coming weeks, as the incubation period for the disease can be up to 21 days.

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