WHO calls for fair action to end malaria burden
New data from the World Health Organization (WHO) shows that an estimated 2.2 billion malaria infections and 12.7 million deaths have been averted since 2000, but the disease remains a global threat, particularly in the WHO Africa Region. has become a serious health threat.
According to the latest information from WHO Global malaria reportIt is estimated that by 2023, there will be 263 million malaria infections and 597,000 deaths worldwide. This translates into approximately 11 million more infections and about the same number of deaths in 2023 compared to 2022. Approximately 95% of deaths occur in the WHO Africa Region, and many at-risk populations continue to lack access to the services needed to prevent, detect and treat the disease.
No one should die from malaria. However, the disease continues to disproportionately affect people living in Africa, especially young children and pregnant women. An expanded package of life-saving tools now provides better protection against the disease, but curbing the threat will require increased investment and action in high-burden African countries. ”
AS Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General
Obvious progress is being made in many countries
As of November 2024, 44 countries and one territory have been certified malaria-free by WHO, and more countries are making steady progress toward the goal. Of the 83 malaria-endemic countries, 25 currently report fewer than 10 malaria cases per year, an increase from four countries in 2000.
Since 2015, the WHO Africa Region has also achieved a 16% reduction in malaria mortality. However, the estimated death rate for 2023 is 52.4 deaths per 100,000 people at risk, more than double the target level of 23 deaths per 100,000 people set by the law. Global technology strategy against malaria 2016-2030and progress must be accelerated.
Earlier this year, health ministers from 11 African countries that account for two-thirds of the world's malaria burden (Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Sudan, United Republic of Tanzania, Uganda), among others, We signed a declaration pledging to sustainably and equitably reduce the burden of disease and address its root causes, including by strengthening national health systems, strengthening collaboration and ensuring the strategic use of information. action.
Widespread use of effective tools brings new hope
In parallel with increased political commitment, broader adoption of WHO-recommended tools is poised to drive further results in malaria-endemic countries. As of December 2024, 17 countries have introduced malaria vaccines through routine childhood immunization. The continued expansion of vaccinations in Africa is expected to save tens of thousands of young lives each year.
A new generation of nets that provide better protection against malaria than pyrethroid-only nets is now more widely available, supporting efforts to combat mosquito resistance to pyrethroids. In 2023, these new types of nets accounted for 78% of the 195 million nets shipped to sub-Saharan Africa, up from 59% in 2022.
Funding remains a major barrier to future progress
Global funding for malaria control remains insufficient to reverse current trends, particularly in high-burden African countries. Total funding for 2023 is estimated at US$4 billion, well below the Global Technology Strategy's funding target of US$8.3 billion for the same year. Lack of funding has created significant gaps in coverage of insecticide-treated nets, medicines, and other life-saving tools, especially for those most vulnerable to the disease.
Beyond financing, malaria-endemic countries continue to struggle with weak health systems, weak surveillance, and increasing biological threats such as drug and insecticide resistance. In many regions, conflict, violence, natural disasters, climate change, and population movements are already increasing the risk of malaria faced by people at high risk of malaria, including pregnant women and girls, children under five, indigenous peoples, migrants, and people with infectious diseases. Pervasive health inequalities are worsening. People with disabilities and people living in remote areas with limited access to health care.
Closing gaps in malaria treatment through equity-driven action
this year's Global malaria report This highlights the need for a more comprehensive and effective response to reach those most vulnerable to the disease. WHO urges countries to prioritize primary health care as the foundation of fair and efficient health systems. Countries are encouraged to adopt strategies that address the root causes of malaria by addressing gender inequalities and other determinants of health.
WHO also calls for investment in robust data systems that can monitor health inequalities, including through the collection and analysis of data disaggregated by gender, age and other social classes. Equity, gender equality and human rights should underpin malaria control innovation, and those most affected by the disease should be involved in the design and evaluation of new tools and approaches.
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