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Colorectal cancer incidence increases among young people

Colorectal cancer incidence increases among young people


Experts have warned that the incidence of bowel cancer is rising among young adults for no apparent reason.

Although the disease still affects older people far more often, there is concern that it is increasing in people under the age of 50 in many countries, Cancer Research UK said.

The UK has one of the highest rates of increase, with an average annual increase of 3.6%, researchers report in the journal lancet oncology.

Researchers say improper diet and obesity may be among the risk factors.

The study, which looked at 50 countries between 2007 and 2017, found that the number of infections among young people was increasing in 27 countries.

Most were in wealthy countries, but there were also developing countries, according to researchers at the American Cancer Society.

“The rise in early-onset colorectal cancer is a global phenomenon,” said one of the authors, Dr. Hyuna Song.

“Previous studies showed this increase primarily in high-income Western countries, but it is now being recorded in a variety of economies and regions around the world.”

And people needed to be on the lookout for early signs and symptoms, such as blood in their poop.

Other symptoms include:

  • Persistent change in bowel habits – more frequent and loose stools
  • Abdominal pain, discomfort, bloating

According to Cancer Research UK, stress rates among young adults remain low, with around one in 20 bowel cancer cases being diagnosed in people under the age of 50 in the UK.

There are 44,100 new cases in the UK each year, of which around 2,600 were between the ages of 25 and 49.

Spokesman John Shelton said: “The number of young-onset bowel cancer cases in both men and women in the UK each year is so low that it is difficult to say for sure why rates are increasing at a faster pace in certain groups. It's difficult,” he said. than another. ”

However, risk factors such as diet, obesity, alcohol, and smoking may play a role.

“Improved detection capabilities, allowing people to be diagnosed at younger ages, may also be playing an important role in the rise in incidence,” Shelton added.

Dr David Robert Grimes, an expert in biostatistics at Trinity College, Dublin, said more research was needed.

“While this finding is interesting, we must resist the urge to jump to conclusions, especially given the contradictory and complex data,” he says.

“While this headline may seem alarming in isolation, it may also mean that improvements in screening and detection are making it possible to detect cancer earlier. No.”

Dame Deborah James, who died from bowel cancer aged 40, has shared her story on social media, urging people to 'check their poo' and get tested if they notice any abnormalities. It received widespread praise.

The mother of two, known to many as Bauerbabe, is also the host of the BBC Sounds podcast You, Me and the Big C. documentary About living with illness.




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