Experts discuss seasonal affective disorder, symptoms, and possible treatments
Neuroscience professor and researcher Dr. Hanne Hofmann studied the effects of changes in day length and light exposure on brain behavior and hormone production. The quality of light we receive throughout the day can have a significant impact on our mood due to the effects natural light has on the brain's neurotransmitters.
“When you go to the beach and feel the sun's glare, the majority of people feel good. Some of that is actually neurotransmitters that are released in the brain, and one of them is serotonin.” said Hoffman.
During Michigan's colder months, light quality is significantly reduced.
“When it gets dark outside…the amount of light entering the eyes isn't enough to fully stimulate the activation of these feel-good centers,” Hoffman says. “We're all very different, so the amount of light one person needs to activate their comfort center will be different for another person.”
The more light you need to release neurotransmitters like serotonin, the more the winter season can have a greater effect on your mood. Hoffman says these people are more likely to be affected by SAD.
Lily Yang, Ph.D., a professor and researcher in behavioral neuroscience, also said that a leading hypothesis for SAD is dysregulation of circadian rhythms. Yang studied the correlation between light and mood.
“Light is a powerful factor in synchronizing our body clock with the environment, but when the dark and cloudy days begin, less light is available and our body clock can become out of sync,” she says. “And this misalignment can cause problems with sleep and mood.”
Symptoms of SAD vary from person to person. Some people experience clinical depression, while others experience a loss of interest in daily activities or relationships, an increase or decrease in appetite, or a decrease in mood with decreased energy levels.
Lauren Enty, clinician and outreach coordinator for MSU Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS), said changes often occur over the winter, even if students are not experiencing clinical depression.
“While some people experience significant changes that affect many elements of their lives, I think others experience a winter slowdown. It's like your body is telling you something,” Enty said. Ta.
Ms. Yang recognizes this in her class every year.
“When I was teaching in the fall semester, I saw many students who started school in September, and they seemed very happy, energetic, and cheerful,” Ms. Yang said. “But by the end of October or into November, you can definitely see their mood changing…It's clear that they're suffering.”
Hoffman said it's important to recognize these changes in energy levels and mood so you can take steps to improve.
“If you start to lose interest, feel low, and start having an impact on your daily life, it's time to talk to your health care provider to find out what your options are,” Hoffman says.
Michigan State University's campus has a program available through CAPS that students can use to connect with a clinician to determine next steps if they are struggling with depression or mood changes over the winter. There are many resources available.
“We do individual therapy, but we also do group therapy,” Enty said. “We also do medication management, if that’s something people are interested in.”
CAPS Connect is one resource you can refer to if your students are struggling and need a little guidance. This is a short, free consultation with a mental health professional who can make suggestions and discuss various resources available to students.
“If you're feeling anxious, you can bring a friend, you can call… There's no one way that will work for everyone, so we encourage you to just have a conversation about what you're looking for.” I love it,” Enty said. “Even if it’s not us, we want to make sure you get the best care that’s right for you.”
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Taking note of the symptoms you're experiencing (changes in sleep, appetite, mood, relationships) is a great way to prepare for your appointment with your clinician, so they can be as specific as possible. We will be able to provide assistance.
“Because we're so busy throughout the week, and our students are so busy, by the time you see the clinicians, the doctors, the nurses, you're sitting there going, 'Oh, I don't even know.' “What's going on?'' Enti said. “So the most helpful thing for us is to really assess how you're eating and sleeping and what parts of your life are most affected.”
Outside of therapy or psychiatric treatment, some people may find things like light therapy helpful.
“We really need this bright, bright morning light that boosts our mood and energy. That's how light therapy lamps work,” Hoffman said. “They kind of mimic the sun. They're not a replacement for natural sunlight, but they can be very helpful for seasonal depression.”
Hoffman said light therapy lamps should be used for about 30 minutes in the morning and not used after 3 p.m., and it's also important that they're not ultraviolet. The best lamps also provide 10,000 lux of light.
Phototherapy lights can be expensive, but they are available free to students at the Olin Health Center on campus. All you need to do beforehand is meet with a CAPS clinician.
“Light therapy takes time. You have to change your neural networks and how they work…you should expect it to take at least 10 days to start feeling the effects of light therapy,” Hoffman said. “It takes time for the effects to really last.”
Yang said it's important to try to maintain a healthy, albeit difficult, schedule to combat seasonal mood swings.
“Try to keep a very regular sleep rhythm: go to bed at the same time, wake up at the same time, and wake up at the same time,” Yang says. “And try to exercise regularly, eat healthy food, and socialize with friends.”
But Yang also recognizes that telling someone to maintain these habits is much easier than actually doing them, especially for people experiencing depression.
“One of the symptoms of depression is not taking action to seek help. You can't do it. You don't have the energy to do it,” she says.
Her biggest suggestion for students on campus is to take advantage of the community around you and look out for each other.
“If you see a friend struggling, ask them to go to the cafeteria with you. Ask them to go to class with you. Ask them to go to the gym or go shopping.” Mr. Yang said. “Please do something to help them. These are difficult times. Let's help each other.”
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