Blood tests using AI can detect early signs of breast cancer
A new screening method that combines laser analysis and a type of AI is the first of its kind to identify patients in the early stages of breast cancer, research suggests.
The team says this rapid, non-invasive technique reveals subtle changes in blood flow that occur in the early stages of the disease, known as stage 1a, and cannot be detected by existing tests.
Researchers at the University of Edinburgh say their new method could improve early detection and monitoring of the disease, paving the way for screening tests for multiple forms of cancer.
Standard tests for breast cancer include: physical examinationan X-ray or ultrasound scan, or the analysis of a breast tissue sample known as a biopsy. Existing early detection strategies rely on screening people based on age and whether they belong to an at-risk group.
Using this new method, researchers were able to optimize a laser analysis technique known as Raman spectroscopy and combine it with the following methods to detect breast cancer at an early stage: machine learninga type of AI.
Similar approaches have been tried to screen for other types of cancer, but the earliest detection of the disease was in stage 2, the researchers said.
New technology works by shining the light first. laser beam into the plasma taken from a patient. After interacting with blood, the properties of the light are analyzed using a device called a spectrometer, revealing small changes in the chemical composition of cells and tissues that can be early indicators of disease.
Machine learning algorithms are then used to interpret the results and identify similar features to help classify the samples.
in pilot study contains 12 samples from breast cancer patient In 12 healthy controls, the technology was 98% effective in identifying stage 1a breast cancer.
The test can also differentiate between each of the four major subtypes of breast cancer with more than 90% accuracy, potentially allowing patients to receive more effective and personalized treatment. The research team says that there is.
If done as a screening test, this could help identify more people in the early stages of infection. breast cancer And the team says it increases the chances that the treatment will be successful. They aim to expand the study to include more participants and also include testing for early forms of other types of cancer.
Research is published in Biophotonics Journal. Blood samples used in the study were provided by Northern Ireland Biobank and Breast Cancer Now Tissue Bank. Researchers from the University of Aberdeen, Rheinwaal University of Applied Sciences and North Rhine-Westphalia School of Applied Research also participated in the study.
Dr Andy Downs, from the University of Edinburgh's School of Engineering, who led the study, said: 'Most cancer deaths occur after diagnosis at a later stage, after symptoms have become apparent, so in the future there will be multiple cancer types. There is a possibility that these cancers can be detected through screening tests.” We are at a stage where it is much easier to treat.
“Early diagnosis is the key to long-term survival, and we finally have the technology we need. We hope to extend this to other cancer types before it can be used as a complex cancer test. We need to build a database.”
Detailed information:
Kevin Saruni Tipatet et al, Subtype-specific detection in stage Ia breast cancer: Integrating Raman spectroscopy, machine learning, and liquid biopsy for personalized diagnosis, Biophotonics Journal (2024). DOI: 10.1002/jbio.202400427
Provided by
University of Edinburgh
quotation: AI-powered blood test can detect early signs of breast cancer (December 13, 2024) From 2024 Retrieved December 13,
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