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US task force supports new screening options

US task force supports new screening options


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New cervical cancer screening guidelines from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force include self-collection of HPV samples in women starting at age 30. Anchiy/Getty Images
  • The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has released new draft guidelines for cervical cancer screening, including recommendations for three screening methods.
  • For the first time, the new recommendations also include self-collection of HPV samples, which the task force says could help reduce barriers to care and improve access to screening.
  • Cervical cancer mortality rates in the United States are decreasing thanks to regular screening, but black and Hispanic women still face a disproportionately high risk.

Cervical cancer remains the leading cause of disease-related death worldwide.

Mortality rates are rising in the United States, where routine cervical cancer screening is widely available. decreased by 70% Since the 1950s.

Vaccination against HPV children and adult is also highly encouraged.

Most causes of cervical cancer are: Human papillomavirus (HPV)sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Current guidelines for cervical cancer screening recommend HPV testing every 5 years for women between the ages of 30 and 65.

For young women between the ages of 21 and 29; pap test Continue every three years. gold standard For cervical cancer screening.

But on December 10, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (UPSTF) released a new report. draft recommendation Cervical cancer screening includes three screening methods: HPV testing, Pap testing, and simultaneous testing (Pap and HPV) to help detect early signs of the disease.

For the first time, the UPSTF has included self-collected HPV testing in its guidelines for cervical cancer screening starting at age 30. Women can currently collect their own samples using a cotton swab, which the UPSTF says they can do. accurate results Similar to when a clinician collects a sample.

The UPSTF anticipates that self-collection will improve screening rates for people who experience discomfort with traditional screening methods.

Additionally, self-recall provides an alternative for undertested women who face barriers to care, especially Black and Hispanic women. disproportionately high Risk of cervical cancer.

“Most cases of cervical cancer occur in women who do not receive regular testing or appropriate treatment after an abnormal test result,” said Task Force Chair Wanda Nicholson. MD, MPH, MBA said in the paper. statement.

“That's why it's so important for women to get tested regularly to prevent cancer and detect it early if it's treatable.”

New UPSTF recommendations provide options for people assigned female at birth. They can work with their health care team to choose the screening method that best suits their health condition.

“Protecting screening options is critical to ensuring that gynecologists and other health care professionals continue to provide women with the life-saving tests they need,” he said. Dr. Jessica Shepherda board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist at Sanctum Med + Wellness in Dallas, Texas, and chief medical officer at Hers.

Healthline spoke with Shepard to learn about cervical cancer screening and prevention.

This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity and length.

shepherd: The USPSTF Cervical Cancer Screening Draft Guidelines maintain access to all current screening methods, and the task force believes that all three screening methods are effective: HPV testing, Pap testing, and simultaneous testing. , noted that it is recommended.

Regardless of the screening strategy used, the patient experience is the same, and for women over 30 years of age, concurrent testing provides more information to inform care decisions.

Additionally, the task force noted that current evidence continues to show that getting a Pap test every three years is the best screening method for women ages 21 to 29.

shepherd: While some believe self-collection of HPV is a potential way to increase access, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Approval of HPV self-collection If a cervical sample by a clinician is not otherwise available, sample collection will only be permitted in a medical setting.

Regardless of the testing method used, patients must come in for a screening appointment.

of FDA pointed out The approval of HPV self-sampling suggests that if women who are regularly tested switch to self-sampling, “cases of cervical disease that could have been detected and prevented using current standard treatments may be missed.'' “There is a possibility that there is a possibility,” he said.

Currently, there is no FDA-approved HPV test for home collection in the United States.

Ultimately, increasing screening participation rates and improving cervical cancer care will require multifaceted solutions. That's why I strongly believe in the importance of a patient-provider relationship to discuss these factors and find the right solution for each woman.

shepherd: black women are more than twice as likely They die from cervical cancer at higher rates than white women. Due to delayed screening, black women are more likely to be diagnosed with advanced cervical cancer than any other race.

a hispanic woman 40% more likely diagnosed with cervical cancer compared to white women 26% more likely to die from an illness.

These worrying trends are caused by several factors, including access to insurance and lack of appropriate treatment.

Many women often find that there are financial barriers to the cost of booking a test and the availability of subsequent care and treatment. This highlights the importance of screening guidelines that preserve women's access to a full range of options.

Changes that limit choice will contribute to increased morbidity rates and exacerbate existing inequities in care and outcomes for these groups.

For the first time, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force's cervical cancer screening guidelines include self-collection of HPV samples in women starting at age 30, which could help make screening more accessible. .

The task force also recommends three screening methods for women 21 years of age and older: HPV testing, Pap testing, and concurrent testing. Women should work with their health care team to decide which testing method is best for them.

Cervical cancer can be prevented with regular checkups. Although overall disease-related mortality rates have declined in the United States, black and Hispanic women continue to face a disproportionately higher risk.




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