Do you feel anxious when the sun goes down? Experts explain “sunset anxiety”
More than 19% of American adults have experienced an anxiety disorder in the past year. For some people, anxiety symptoms are tied to specific triggers, such as being in a social setting, driving, or even when the sun goes down.
Sunset anxiety, as the name suggests, is when anxiety symptoms increase as the sun sets. However, this type of anxiety is not a medical diagnosis, so it can be difficult to understand why you are feeling this way.
Sunset anxiety does not appear. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), identified by a mental health provider; Diagnose mental health condition. But mental health experts agree that sunset anxiety is a real phenomenon.
Who is most likely to suffer from sunset anxiety?
Sunset anxiety typically affects “people who tend to be on the anxious side, who are sensitive to circadian light changes and feelings of loss, and who are very aware of their emotions.” Dr. Gail Saltzassociate professor of psychiatry at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital Weill Cornell Medical College.
People who are sensitive to light and have the following symptoms: anxiety disorder In the evening, along with the sun, you may feel depressed, Saltz said. “The end of the day may be associated with the end of an opportunity you wanted to have, whether it was professionally, recreationally, or in a relationship,” she added.
“It's a feeling of increasing anxiety and worry as the night approaches, or it can feel like a sad worry, with a sense of loss,” Saltz says. Sunset anxiety can also make people feel anxious or fearful or worry that they didn't put in enough effort during the day, she added.
He says that night may be the time when your mind can finally be quiet after work and the busyness of the day. Thea Gallagher, Ph.D. in Psychologyclinical psychologist, assistant professor at New York University Grossman School of Medicine, and co-organizer. mind in view Podcast. “At times like that, anxiety creeps in,” she said.
Another factor? Being a parent to young children. “For these people, nighttime means preparing for the hardest part of the day,” Gallagher says. Dinner preparation, bath time, bedtime, and getting up at night can all be stressful for parents.
When is sunset anxiety most likely to occur?
Gallagher said sunset anxiety can be especially acute in the winter when there's less daylight.
“You can start work when the sun goes down and finish work when it gets dark,” she added. “Some people may feel trapped because of that.”
A study was published in a magazine psychiatric research In August, researchers determined that the body clock influences when anxiety peaks during the day in people who are prone to anxiety. Researchers found that night owls were more likely to experience symptoms of anxiety in the evening than early risers.
Is sunset anxiety related to seasonal affective disorder?
Sunset anxiety is different from seasonal affective disorder (SAD)format of depression It occurs during seasons when there is less sunlight. However, there may be some overlap.
“It's especially clear that for some people who suffer from nighttime anxiety, their symptoms worsen significantly in the fall and winter, when the days are shorter and there is less daylight,” Saltz said. “If it happens every year, those people are more likely to have SAD.”
For these people, Saltz said, sunset anxiety is likely caused by low sun exposure and an underlying biological predisposition to emotional disorders.
Is there a way to deal with sunset anxiety?
Nightfall anxiety can be a symptom of a larger anxiety disorder, Gallagher said. If your anxiety feels out of control, you may want to consult a mental health professional for a formal diagnosis and next steps.
Gallagher said lifestyle adjustments may also help. “It may be helpful to change your schedule to allow for physical activity during the day, so you feel less stuck at home all day,” she added. “Even if it's cold, there are benefits to being outside and soaking up some sunshine.”
what this means to you
Sunset anxiety isn't an official diagnosis, but that doesn't mean it's not real. If your anxiety increases in the evenings and your symptoms start to interfere with your life, it may be best to talk to a mental health professional.
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