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The best medicine against cancer is still prevention

The best medicine against cancer is still prevention


Cancer continues to be a significant challenge for employers as it remains one of the leading health concerns affecting employees. Employers are in a unique position to play a critical role in helping employees overcome a cancer diagnosis and improve their overall health. By implementing a comprehensive cancer treatment strategy that focuses on prevention, early detection, and support, employers can not only help reduce healthcare costs, but also improve the health outcomes of their employees.

The costs of cancer are significant. Lockton data1 Researching the costs of cancer reveals:

  • Second largest driver of overall health care spending

  • Top diagnostic categories for high billers ($100,000+)

  • Approximately 5% of employees are affected by cancer treatment*

*For yourself or a close relative.

Despite increasing economic burdens, employers can have a meaningful impact on cancer through prevention and early screening efforts, which are expected to increase “We were jointly responsible for averting 80% of deaths from cervical, colorectal, lung and prostate cancer,” the report said. Recently published research summaries JAMA Oncology (Opens in new window).

Prioritize prevention and health

Cancer prevention begins with lifestyle management. According to MD Anderson Cancer Center, Up to 50% of cancers in the US (Opens in new window) It may be preventable by making healthy lifestyle choices. Encouraging healthy choices such as not smoking, eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and scheduling regular check-ups can significantly lower your risk of cancer. Regular primary care visits, annual blood tests, and certain cancer screenings such as mammograms, colonoscopies, and pap smears are essential preventative measures and are essential for early detection. Preventive vaccines also reduce the risks of HPV for cervical and head and neck cancers, and HBV for liver cancer.

In today's fast-paced world, people often struggle to prioritize their health. Therefore, it is essential that employers take an active role in normalizing self-care within the workplace. Employers can lead by example by incorporating health-focused policies into the daily work environment and encouraging employees to make self-care a part of their daily routine.
Consider starting an engagement survey or focus group to uncover specific barriers that prevent employees from prioritizing their health. Armed with this insight, employers can design or enhance programs, benefits, and incentives that address these challenges while allowing employees to focus on their health.

Translating sick time into “healthy time''

According to Lockton data, 41% of employers expect increased terminal cancer costs due to delayed screening, highlighting the importance of early detection for employees and its impact on business. .

Lockton advocates for policies that allow employees to take time off for preventive health visits, such as annual physicals and cancer screenings. Employers often ask for flexibility from their employees, but they must respond by providing them with the autonomy they need to prioritize their health. Creating a culture that values ​​health and well-being means allowing employees to take time off for self-care without fear of judgment or prejudice.

By viewing sick time as “health time” and emphasizing that taking time off to maintain health is just as important as coping with illness, employers can encourage a healthier workforce. It can encourage more proactive efforts. With cancer-related costs projected to rise to $246 billion by 2030, according to research from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), prioritizing employee health is a smart business strategy.

A new frontier in cancer detection

While traditional screening remains important, technological advances are shaping the future of cancer prevention. Many cancers are diagnosed only after symptoms appear, but multicancer early detection (MCED) tests, designed to identify early cancer signals in the bloodstream, can help detect more cancers in a less invasive way. It is expected that cancer can be detected early. MCED test manufacturers are currently pursuing FDA approval in the United States, and an NCI Vanguard study is underway to shape clinical best practices for the use of MCED in population-based cancer prevention.

These tests can detect a variety of cancers that cannot be detected through routine screening, but blood tests cannot detect all cancers. Although promising, MCED is still evolving and aims to complement rather than replace traditional screening. Additionally, MCED testing is still considered and research by medical professionals and is not covered as medically necessary. One MCED manufacturer is offering a direct contract option to self-funded employers with the understanding that the technology is still in development and has not yet been approved by the FDA. As standardization improves and research into the impact of MCED on mortality and diagnosis increases, MCED may become part of routine cancer screening, but its full role remains uncertain.

Make an impact with your wellness journey

A wellness program tailored to your employees will have the biggest impact. A one-size-fits-all approach is not enough, so employers must leverage health plan data and employee feedback to understand employee needs and design customized initiatives. Key strategies to support prevention and early detection through employee health include:

  • Providing compensation options

  • Collaboration with healthcare providers

  • Payment of living expenses

  • Providing on-site or virtual preventive services

Employers can enhance these programs with educational resources such as webinars featuring medical professionals and cancer survivors to emphasize prevention and early detection. In addition, effective wellness initiatives ensure that employees receive appropriate testing and empower employees to advocate for their health when seeking medical care.

Employers have the power to create meaningful change by fostering a culture that values ​​prevention, supports employee health, and reduces the burden of cancer. Prioritizing preventive care reduces the risk of terminal cancer diagnosis, frees up employees to focus on self-care, and creates a healthier, more engaged workforce.

(1) Source: Infolock for claims incurred from July 2023 to June 2024, paid by September 2024

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