COVID-19 Antibody Research Initiated in Maryland
The Maryland Department of Health announced Thursday that it is collaborating with 13 hospitals and is conducting an antibody study to determine the number of Marylanders exposed to COVID-19. Coronavirus Update | Latest Maryland Numbers | Where to Be Tested | | According to state health officials, more than 6,000 people will be tested initially. According to MDH, an antibody (serologic) test will show if a person has had a previous infection by examining the antibody in the blood. Serology does not diagnose the presence of active COVID-19 infection. Serum tests use blood samples to look for antibodies produced in response to COVID-19 rather than looking for the virus itself. “Understanding the levels and patterns of unrecognized community transmission of COVID-19 is important to contain the infection and prevent the future. A wave of pandemics.” “Establishing a baseline for people who have a positive response will help us better understand how it can spread and fight more effectively.” Participating in this study Statewide hospitals include: Arundel Medical Center MedStar Franklin Square Johns Hopkins Health System Howard County General Hospital Holy Cross Hospital Shady Grove AdventistUM Prince Georges Hospital Center MedStar South Maryland “The emergency department is the point of contact to the community and may reveal public health status Yes, these are one of the most important informational resources. Prevalence of COVID-19 in all patients,” said Jinlene Chan, Assistant Secretary of Public Health in a statement. “The findings will help state health officials improve patient surge needs and respond to the additional wave of COVID-19. They do,” said Chief Operating Officer and Medicaid Dennis. R. Schrader stated in a statement that the MDH Institute will process samples from patients who were bled during their regular visits to the hospital’s emergency department/emergency room. The aggregated results are reported to the hospital for surge planning. MDH contains data online here, including other aggregated serological data from other sources.
The Maryland Department of Health announced Thursday that collaboration with 13 hospitals is underway to conduct antibody studies to determine the number of Marylanders exposed to COVID-19.
|| Coronavirus update | Latest Maryland numbers | Where to take the test ||
State health officials said more than 6,000 people would be screened in the early stages.
According to MDH Antibody (serology) test Look for antibodies in the blood to indicate if you have been infected before. Serology does not diagnose the presence of active COVID-19 infections. Serum tests use blood samples to look for antibodies made in response to COVID-19, rather than looking for the virus itself.
“Understanding the levels and patterns of unrecognized community infections in COVID-19 is important to contain the infections and prevent future waves of pandemics,” Health Secretary Robert Neil said in a statement. “Establishing a baseline of people who have a positive response will help us understand how it can spread and fight more effectively.”
The state-wide hospitals participating in the study are:
- UPMC Western Maryland
- Carroll hospital
- UM Shore Medical Center in Easton
- Peninsula area
- Frederick Memorial
- Ann Arundel Medical Center
- Med Star Franklin Square
- Johns Hopkins Health System
- Howard County General Hospital
- Holy Cross Hospital
- Shady Globe Adventist
- UM Prince Georges Hospital Center
- MedStar South Maryland
“The emergency department is the gateway to the community and can reveal public health status. These are the most important resources to provide information on the prevalence of COVID-19 in all patients. Is one of them,” said Jinlene Chan, Deputy Secretary-General of Public Health.
“The results of the study will help state health officials improve patient surge needs and respond to additional waves of COVID-19,” said Dennis, Chief Operating Officer and Medicaid Director. R. Schroeder said in a statement.
The MDH Institute processes samples of patients who have had their blood drawn during their daily practice in a hospital emergency department/room.
The aggregated results are reported to the hospital for surge planning and community health efforts.
MDH contains data including other serological data from other sources. Online here..
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