NHS urges families to use Christmas gatherings to spot signs of dementia

As families gather together for Christmas this year, the NHS is urging people to use the period as an opportunity to check on their loved ones and look out for the early signs of dementia.
The UK's dementia diagnosis rate is one of the highest in the world at 65.8 per cent, with health leaders highlighting the importance of early detection of symptoms to ensure timely support and care. Emphasized.
Recent data shows that around half a million people in the UK have been diagnosed with dementia, a significant increase over the past year. This is an increase of over 19,000 in one year.
The UK's leading dementia doctor described this as a “positive step”, stressing that early diagnosis means patients and their families can receive the right support sooner.
NHS staff across the country are committed to diagnosing dementia effectively, with a pilot program to assess care home residents launched in 14 facilities. These initiatives aim to ensure everyone has access to the care and support they need, no matter where they live.
“Dementia often develops slowly and may go unnoticed during brief interactions, but there is an opportunity to notice signs of the condition as family and friends gather for Christmas, perhaps for the first time in months. ' said Dr Jeremy Isaacs from the NHS. National Clinical Director for Dementia, UK.
Symptoms such as forgetfulness, difficulty making plans, and difficulty finding words can become more pronounced the longer you are together. “There are many reasons why people feel forgetful or absent-minded during such a busy time of year, but it can also be a sign that something is wrong,” Dr. Isaacs added. .
“Receiving a diagnosis of dementia is the first step in supporting people and a wide range of NHS services can help.”
Dr. Isaacs encourages families to seek medical advice if they notice potential signs of dementia in a loved one. 'If you notice that you are experiencing symptoms, please suggest that you visit your GP for a diagnosis. The sooner you see someone, the sooner you will be seen.'The NHS can help. ”
By recognizing the signs and seeking help early, families can ensure their loved one has the support they need to stay healthy and safe.
Note: Mastercard works closely with fintech companies to help traditionally excluded and underrepresented populations (including people living with dementia) use payment technologies and tools to better manage their money. I'm working on it.
Recognizing early symptoms
Early detection of dementia is critical to receiving timely support and care. The main symptoms to look out for are:
- memory loss: Increased forgetfulness, such as forgetting things and forgetting appointments.
- confusion: Difficulty understanding time, place, or familiar surroundings.
- communication problems: Difficulty following conversations or finding the right words.
- mood changes: Uncharacteristic irritability, anxiety, and depression.
How to broach the topic with your loved one
Talking to your loved one about potential dementia symptoms can be difficult, but approaching the conversation with empathy and compassion can make a big difference. Start by choosing a quiet, private environment where the person feels safe and comfortable. Frame the conversation carefully, expressing concern rather than warning. For example, you can say:I've noticed that you're becoming more forgetful and want to make sure everything is okay. ” Rather than making direct assumptions about their health.
Be patient and actively listen, allowing them to express their feelings and concerns. It can also be helpful to normalize the idea of seeking your GP's advice and view it as a regular health check rather than something to fear. you might say.It is recommended to consult a doctor to rule out serious illness. There's plenty of support if you need it. ” If they seem resistant, reassure them that it's to ensure their well-being and allow them a moment to process the suggestion.
Helpful resources: Understanding Denial and Lack of Insight | Alzheimer's Association
The Alzheimer's Society and other dementia support organizations offer resources and advice on how to approach these discussions compassionately.
Understanding all forms of dementia
Dementia is an umbrella term for a range of progressive diseases that affect the brain, with the most common forms in the UK being Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. Together, these symptoms account for the majority of dementia diagnoses, affecting hundreds of thousands of individuals and their families.
alzheimer's disease It is the most common form of dementia, accounting for approximately 60 to 70 percent of cases. It is characterized by the accumulation of proteins in the brain that interfere with the normal functioning of brain cells. Common symptoms include memory loss, difficulty finding words, and changes in mood and behavior. As the condition progresses, the person may struggle with daily tasks, recognizing loved ones, and maintaining independence.
vascular dementia This is the second most common symptom and is caused by decreased blood flow to the brain. This can occur due to a series of small strokes or damage to blood vessels. Symptoms vary depending on the area of the brain affected, but often include impaired problem-solving, confusion, and difficulty paying attention and staying organized. Unlike Alzheimer's disease, memory loss is not always an early symptom.
Other forms of dementia include: Lewy body dementiacausing hallucinations, sleep disturbances, and motor symptoms similar to those of Parkinson's disease. There is also that frontotemporal dementiaThis usually affects young people and affects their behavior, personality, and language abilities.
Living with Levi
Data shows that around 15% of all dementia cases in the UK are Lewy body dementia (LBD) cases. Here in the UK, an estimated 100,000 people are affected.
Listen to ITN Business' Living with Levi Learn more about this disorder in our podcast. Hosted by Ashley Bayston, founder and president of the Lewy Body Dementia Society (LBS), the event will feature people living with Lewy Body Dementia, carers, clinicians, academics researching the disease, and LBS CEO Jackie.・Cannon will appear.
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