New bird flu cases emerge in Los Angeles as egg prices rise
Health authorities have confirmed their first case of bird flu. los angeles county on monday.
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health said: news release A person with avian influenza was exposed to infected livestock in the workplace. County health officials said the infected person had mild symptoms and was treated with antiviral drugs.
There are 37 confirmed cases of bird flu in California, according to numbers last updated on Monday. California Department of Public Health. This means that the number of infected people has increased by three in less than a week.
Although people in certain occupations, including farmworkers, are at risk, the risk of contracting bird flu to the general public remains low. high risk To get it.
This news follows recent news from Gov. Gavin Newsom. Declaration of emergency This is to fight bird flu in California. Bird flu has been ravaging the state's dairy and poultry farms for months. This includes 650 dairy farms infected since avian influenza was first detected on a California dairy farm. early this yearThe California Department of Food and Agriculture announced on December 19th.
The state Department of Food and Agriculture announced that avian influenza continued to be confirmed in poultry flocks in the state throughout December, including commercial flocks in Merced, Monterey and Tulare counties. Since 2022, more than 125 million birds in the United States have been affected by this avian influenza outbreak. US Department of Agriculture. Affected birds refer to the number of birds on a property that are confirmed to be infected, the USDA explained.
Bird flu is also affecting Americans in other ways. This has affected the price of eggs. The average price for 12 large Grade A eggs in November was $3.65, up 28 cents from October and more than $1 since the beginning of the year. USA TODAY reported.
How is bird flu affecting egg prices?
USDA Egg market overview Friday's report said 36.8 million tabletop egg-laying birds have been lost this year in 12 states, including California, due to avian influenza outbreaks and facility fires. Specifically, California has lost more than 7 million tabletop egg-laying birds to bird flu and fires since January. The only state with more losses was Iowa.
More than a third of the total losses in California and 11 other states occurred after November, leading to a sharp rise in prices heading into “the peak demand period for shell eggs of the year.” brought about.
“Demand for shell eggs increased in the lead-up to the holiday week as consumers finished preparing for the holidays,” the USDA report said, as well as a “tightening” in supply due to an outbreak of avian influenza in egg flocks. Concerns about this are “pushing up wholesale prices to nearly 0.5%.” That's a record level. ”
Mark Dresner, director of general communications for the National Egg Board, said eggs are especially in demand during the winter holiday season. visalia times delta. As a result, more products are sold during the holiday season, leading to higher prices.
“Eggs, like wheat, corn and other agricultural products, are sold on the market as a commodity, and market prices are mainly driven by supply and demand,” he said.
But with the national egg supply affected by bird flu, “supply is tighter than during peak demand periods, and that is reflected in wholesale prices,” Dresdner said. .
Visalia Times Delta reporter Steve Pastis contributed to this article.
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