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California Shows COVID-19 Suppression, Data Show


Six weeks after California began reclosing the economy’s swaths, there is a cautious optimism that coronavirus infections are on the downside.

If it were to remain, the condition could be at the cusp suppressing its second surge in the pandemic.

The potential emblem is due to Governor Gavin Newsom’s rapid economic resumption in May and early June. Double death every week Tolls for spring counting. Cumulative states Pandemic fatalities Today, over 10,800, it is one of the worst disasters in the state’s modern history.

However, there are some signs that Newsom’s second closure, which began in late June and expanded in early July, ultimately had its intended effect. It could take 3-5 weeks for the health effects of home-based orders to become visible, and many of the states had to close restaurant bars and indoor dining rooms, so orders were expanded to 6 weeks. It was Remaining state one month ago.

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said on Wednesday, “Our profits are felt sluggish and our future remains fragile, but the successes of the past three weeks are real.” “We begin to see signs of light.”

To Los Angeles CountyCurrently, the effective infection rate of coronavirus is estimated to be 0.86. In other words, each infected person infects an average of 0.86 people. The rate last week was 0.91.

“This is progress,” said Dr. Roger Lewis, who heads the LA County pandemic predictive modeling team.

Health director Dr. Grant Colfax said Tuesday that the infection rate in San Francisco over the past few days was 0.95 to 0.98.

Known throughout the state as the Ensemble Computer Model California COVID Assessment Tool The overall infection rate in California is estimated to be about 0.96.

True, not all counties are on track. The state model is Alameda, Sonoma, Placer,and your The disease is becoming more prevalent in the county.

However, hospitalization has also declined in many parts of California. Across the state, the average number of people hospitalized is Peak in late JulyAn average of nearly 7,000 people were hospitalized with confirmed coronavirus infection for 7 days. On Wednesday, that number fell to 5,710 — a number not seen since the beginning of July.

However, deaths have accelerated in recent weeks. In fact, over 62% of California’s coronavirus deaths have occurred since Memorial Day.

Over the seven days ending Monday, 969 deaths were reported throughout California. This is the largest weekly death toll since the pandemic began.

The new COVID-19 mortality may have peaked, but it’s too early to know for sure. By Wednesday, the average daily mortality for seven days was 134, an improvement over the previous week. The seven-day average reached 144, the highest ever.

“We are around the corner in this pandemic,” Newsom said Wednesday.

The governor expressed optimism about the trend, but resolved to avoid a resumption of previous mistakes. Newsom, under pressure, began to resume operations in late spring Before his own benchmark I met for a safer restart.

“The worst mistake we can make is to run a 90-yard dash, where we get it, we leave, we go back to what we were before,” Newsom said Wednesday. “That’s why we have to be very careful and very careful.”

Newsom said it would be done “with more focus, more intent, and more cautious thinking” to educate people on how to reduce the spread of the disease when economic resumptions occur. It was

“We need to stay vigilant,” said Newtham, and “we will need a corresponding public awareness and enforcement campaign.”

In LA County, Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said Wednesday that the illness rate was still very high, Colleges and universities Remain largely close to the interview instruction until the illness level falls further. Exceptions are lab work and students who are part of the required workforce.

“The essence of the way colleges and universities operate creates a significant risk of COVID-19 outbreaks,” Ferrer said Wednesday.

After the economy reopened in May and June, social gatherings and workplace outbreaks drastically increased the spread of illness.

government analysis Out of 188 documented coronavirus outbreaks San Diego County It was shown that the total includes 61 generated in restaurants and bars. 45 in various businesses. 18 people in the medical field. 10 in government, 9 in housing, 8 in gym, 7 in faith-based setting, 6 in food processing facility, 6 in grocery facility, 5 in hotel or resort or spa, 4 in kindergarten Has occurred.

LA County has reported 30,827 new cases of coronavirus over the last two weeks. That’s 305 new cases per 100,000 people. The county should reduce to 200 new cases per 100,000 in two weeks before local authorities consider allowing some elementary schools to reopen. Further economic resumption.

Ferrer said he wasn’t sure when LA County would reach these levels, but said it was possible—New York City said it had an incidence of about 50 per 100,000 in the last two weeks. .. Elsewhere in the world, “there’s been a real concerted effort, and that rate has dropped and dropped significantly,” she said.

Cases remain high throughout Southern California. San Bernardino County Over the last 14 days, 350 new cases of coronavirus have been reported per 100,000. Riverside county, 328; Ventura County, 211; Orange County, 207; San Diego County, 155.

But to dramatically reduce new infections, Wearing a mask in publicBusinesses must comply with the new coronavirus health and safety rules to protect workers, and residents must stop hosting and attending parties, people familiar with the matter said. Young adult More and more infected During hospitalization, it’s a pattern that can be found throughout California.

“In June, the case rate among young people really began to soar,” said Dr. Sara Cody, a health officer in Santa Clara County.

San Francisco Mayor London Breed hopes to have a birthday party on Tuesday, but it’s clear that many infected people have the virus at family gatherings, parties, and other events Is.

So for her birthday, “I’ll socially keep myself away and talk to people about Zoom,” Breed told reporters. “That’s what we need to do. Imagine if we all played our part.”

Times staff writers, Iris Lee and Taryn Luna, contributed to this report.

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