Controversial vaccine drive changes
LAFAYETTE, La. — Louisiana has long suffered from high seasonal disease rates, often ranking among the highest in the country.
The CDC reports that respiratory illnesses are on the rise in Louisiana, as are emergency department visits related to these illnesses.
But the Louisiana Department of Health's latest move could make an already troubling public health problem even worse, experts say.
LDH recently announced that it will no longer actively encourage vaccination through public messaging.
In a statement shared with WAFBThe Ministry explained its position as follows:
”The Surgeon General has expressed personal concerns about the effectiveness and safety of COVID-19 vaccines, and the department's position is that immunization with any vaccine should be accompanied by mask-wearing and social distancing. Along with other practices, it is a personal choice of the individual. If there are questions about whether an individual should receive a particular vaccine, the discussion and decision should be made between the patient and the health care provider who best understands the individual's situation and medical history. ”
This change was particularly noticeable in the ministry's field. social media channelsa recent Instagram post offered tips to prevent the spread of germs during flu season.
The advice included washing hands, suppressing coughs and getting fresh air, but did not mention vaccination.
Dr. Jennifer Herricks, Founder Vaccinating families in LouisianaAdvocacy groups that promote better health habits in communities told KATC that this policy change is concerning.
“It was pretty horrifying,” she said. “So the purpose of public health is to inform the public of what the latest science is saying.”
Dr. Herricks emphasized that vaccines, such as the influenza and COVID-19 vaccines, are among the most researched and proven ways to prevent disease.
“We've known for a long time that the influenza vaccine is the best way to prevent influenza,” Herricks said. “And, of course, we now have COVID-19 vaccines that are backed by vast amounts of research. All of this means that Ministry of Health officials cannot talk about the vaccines, promote the vaccines, or hold vaccine clinics. This new policy will affect people's access to vaccines.
Fellow health expert Dr. Britni Hebert agrees, noting that Louisiana has fewer than 60 family physicians for every 100,000 residents. This shortage has made it difficult for people to discuss vaccination with their health care providers. Ebert added that Louisianans deserve clear guidance from public health officials on this important issue.
“When virus season comes around, we typically turn a deep red or dark burgundy color, which is likely a direct result of vaccination rates,” she says.
Hébert told KATC there is no medical or scientific reason for this policy change and it could lead to more serious health risks for the public.
“Vaccines remain among the top four medical advances for protecting our own physical health,” Hebert said. “They protect your personal health, your loved ones, your home community, and your state. Although they are not 100 percent, and there is no prevention method, they can further reduce the risk of illness, disability, injury, and death. I will.”
KATC reached out to the Louisiana Department of Health for comment on the new policy, but has not yet received a response.
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