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Bird flu kills 20 big cats at Washington Animal Sanctuary

Bird flu kills 20 big cats at Washington Animal Sanctuary


Twenty big cats, including one Bengal tiger and four cougars, have died from bird flu in the past few weeks at a Washington state animal sanctuary.

“This tragedy has had a huge impact on our team, and we all mourn the loss of these amazing animals,” the Wildlife Advocacy Center of Washington said in a Facebook post.

This devastating wild bird-borne viral disease is spread primarily through respiratory secretions and bird-to-bird contact, but can also be transmitted by mammals that consume birds and other products.

The sanctuary is under quarantine and closed to the public to prevent the spread of the virus, the statement said.

Mark Matthews, director of the sanctuary, said the animals died between late November and mid-December. new york times.

“We've never experienced anything like that. They usually die of old age, basically,” he said. “It's nothing like this, it's a pretty evil virus.”

The news comes as avian influenza continues to spread among cattle and poultry in the United States, with at least one human being seriously infected.

The preserve said five African serval cats, four bobcats, two Canadian lynx and one Bengal tiger were among the lost animals. Currently, only 17 cats remain at the center.

“Cats are particularly vulnerable to this virus, with initial symptoms being subtle but rapidly progressing, often leading to death within 24 hours from pneumonia-like symptoms,” the sanctuary said in a statement. Facebook statement on friday.

Avian influenza has long infected poultry flocks in the United States. However, the virus first began infecting cattle in the United States in March.

Additionally, a total of 61 human cases of avian influenza have been reported in the United States since April 2024, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The CDC says the risk to the general public remains low and no sustained person-to-person transmission has occurred.

Most people are reporting mild symptoms, but one person in Louisiana was hospitalized this month with a severe case of bird flu.

Last week, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced an outbreak among dairy cows in the state that would ensure the government has “the resources and flexibility necessary to quickly respond to this outbreak.” Therefore, a state of emergency was declared.




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